Home Makeover on a Budget: Boys Bedroom

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So after finally finishing out playroom makeover we move on (with huge trepidition) to F’s bedroom.


It is a disaster. and I don’t know where to start. How can one little boy (aged 8 ) have so much stuff.  Little bits of Lego, football cards, plasticine, broken pencils, plastic animals, old Beanos, about 10 whoopee cushions, a collection of stones, huge amounts of books, things he has made, just EVERYWHERE,

On the surface his room may not look too bad (who am I kidding ) but down every nook and cranny I find ‘bits and bobs’.

Oh my!

Are you ready to see it ….

Problem 1:  Too many books, scraggy posters on the wall

Problem 2: Fish tank by the side of the bed so lots of wires near bed and this feel quite dangerous. The bed itself is tiny!  It is 3/4 length and narrow and it has no storage so he just shoves lots of things under it! Also this is the only duvet set he hasds that he likes so we will certainly be looking to get a  variety of bedding sets !

Problem 3. A desk that has no matching chair and again a rather huge storage prblem that means the dsk becoames a dumping ground.

Problem; An old purple cupboard he had decorated (without permission aged 3) in Diego stickers which he has long outgrown)

Problem 5 ; Too much stuff!!!!!


Okay so….

The room needs updating to a more grown up look.

We need as ever to declutter and get better storage.

We need some practical solutions such as an alarm clock and a desk chair and we will definitely be looking at beds from Argos too.

The room needs a theme/colour co-ordination of some kind to pull it together.

I will be back with a plan very soon!


1 Comment

  1. April 4, 2013 / 09:39

    Well he won’t be the only 8 year old with a room full of stuff! I think kids seem to outgrow their room all of a sudden and then need updating in terms of storage and colour scheme. Looks like a great room though 🙂

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