25 Simple Ways to Save Smarter

Today – simple ways to save smarter.


simple ways to save smarter


25 simple ways to save smarter

I have been thinking about simple ways to save smarter

Last week if you recall I was looking at the Aviva financial personality tool and I found out as well as being a bit of an impulse buyer my spending habits could also do with an overhaul. If you haven’t tried this tool I urge you to have a go, it gives you such a good insight into your financial behaviour and habits!

It set me thinking about simple ways to #savesmarter a message Aviva is really promoting. So how can Britain #savesmarter ?


Here are 25 super speedy simple ways to save smarter

  • Honestly look at your financial situation, don’t hide your head in the sand. Figure out exactly what money you need for bills and outgoing and how much you could possibly save each month. make this a manageable goal
  • Make sure you have a savings account in place that is easy to transfer money too
  • Get rid of any subscriptions (such as the gym/magazines etc) that you can and make a commitment to put that money instead into saving each month
  • Do a comparison on all your bills and utilities and again earmark the difference you make by moving the extra money to your savings accounts
  • Look at your last two months grocery bills…what could you have bought cheaper, what did you end up throwing away?  Sesolve to do better and meal plan your week. Try buying only what you need it can make a huge difference.
  • Learn a few really good leftover recipes


simple ways to save smarter, top money saving tips to help you save money quickly and simply #moneysaving #moneysavingtips #moneyhacks #savingmoney


Ready for more simple ways to save smarter?

  • Learn to reuse and recycle everything from packaging to clothes and you will save money and bring a real burst of eco-friendly living to your home
  • Make a list of 30 things your kids love to do that don’t cost anything or are low cost and great these planned into weekends and holidays. Planning is key to fun on a budget and last-minute impulses really do not help savings
  • Set up a gift drawer and when you see some absolute bargains stock it up. last-minute gift buying always costs more!
  • Have a big card making session with your kids and stockpile them for birthdays to come this will save you  and be great fun in the process
  • Be a voucher code hunter..if you want to buy something have a speedy internet browse to see if you can find a voucher that gives you a discount
  • Consider buying items pre-loved  these can be as good as new and save you a fortune!
  • Role play assertiveness. Try saying  ‘No, I am sorry we can’t make that’ without the need to explain yourself. Being assertive can save you a lot of money on social occasions you just cannot really afford.
  • If you find being assertive tricky buy yourself some time instead and try this,  ‘Sounds interesting, let me check my diary and I will get back to you.’
  • In terms of your home, DIY can be a big savings boost and you tube is your friend. From painting and decorating, simple repairs to upcycling projects  it may well be worth having a go yourself and think of the pride you will feel as well as the money you will save. Also for those emegency home repairs you can’t do yourself it is well worth having cover.
  • Use your local library!
  • Leave your car at home whenever you can.
  • Learn to mend things before they break too much, e.g sellotape up board game boxes, sew on buttons before the get lost, get the wood glue out and fix that drawer, get it sorted before an item is beyond repair.
  • Forget the Jones’….  just because your pal has the latest dress from Joules does not mean your Asda from last season doesn’t look fabulous. Be your own judge of what is good enough and don’t worry about others.  A great lesson for kids too, be so busy being happy and having fun you aren’t bothered about comparing yourself to others.. it is a never-ending circle
  • Get a travel mug and a flask!
  • Packed lunches do save money as does batch cooking and freezing. Practical and a possibly a tad boring saving ideas, but think what you can do with your savings and new habits do not take long to establish? here are some tiops on how to save money on family meals
  • Beware of holidays they can be absolute savings drainers…think outside the box and consider a youth hotel, camping  or a house swap with friends? It’s the being together and somewhere new that makes holidays special
  •  If you want to build up your savings consider selling a few unloved and unwanted items. A little scout round recently and I had a whole pile of things to put on ebay
  • Learn to budget then budget everything.. budget school holidays, budget days out, Christmas shopping, your weekly food shop. Stick to this budget and you will feel good. Adjust and revise it when you need to, but do have  a budget and a financial plan in place. It makes all the difference (particularly to us impulse shoppers)
  • Lastly have a plan for your savings, be it a new home, a rainy day, old age, a dream holiday, an extension, a lovely car. Knowing what you are saving for can give you purpose, resolve and direction.

So for me, the key to being a #savesmarter saver is common sense, planning, organisation and creativity and taking on board these simple ways to save smarter


Over to you for your simple ways to save smarter

Can you think of any more simple ways to save smarter? If so I would just love to hear your ideas


If you liked this post on simple ways to save smarter you can find more of my money saving posts over on my Thrifty Home blog




  1. March 31, 2016 / 20:21

    These are some great tips, I am really bad with money and have no savings at all as I blow money on rubbish. We have a house move and a holiday and possible wedding to budget for so I really should start saving. Thanks for the tips xx

  2. Pinkoddy
    June 22, 2016 / 09:56

    What great tips – I really love the idea of making up loads of cards with the children!

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