5 Family Fun on a Budget Ideas

Today – Family Fun on a Budget Ideas

This post is sponsored by Tesco Bank but all words and ideas are my own.

I have been collaborating with Tesco Bank looking at ways for families to have fun on a budget.

It can be hard to think of family fun ideas that don’t cost much when you are constantly bombarded with images of theme parks and holidays, adventure days out and the latest cinema releases. Kids might clamour for bowling and laser quest and you might well look at your purse and sigh. It can be expensive keeping your kids entertained can’t it?

But it really doesn’t have to be, there are so many lovely things you can do together as a family on a budget.

Here are 5 of my favourite frugal family fun ideas:


Family Fun on a Budget Ideas


Walking can be amazing fun, and once you call it something else children often get excited.

From taking photographs, bark rubbing, searching for animals, tree climbing and collecting nature’s fallen treasure, walking can involve all kinds of fun for all the family. The more often you walk the less reluctant your kids will be and the stronger their legs. Walking is one of the best free pastimes there is and a great way to wear them out too! Maybe you could take a kite out with you on your next walk, or some roller skates or a scooter?

Family Fun on a Budget Ideas

All images unless otherwise stated are used with permission from Pixabay 

Scootering is load s of fun too why not check out my posts on do you have scooter problems? and my Vtriker elite scooter review


Making a Movie

My kids will be entertained for hours making a movie. They use a variety of movie making apps as they have some brilliant templates but actually all they need is a camera that can film, or a phone and some imagination. They always encourage us adults to get involved in some way, usually a silly cameo role, and their stories are so funny. Last time they made one I was an evil count and they were spies. I simply had to cackle on cue whilst they ran about doing spy things. Brilliant fun and great to watch back too. They spend time coming up with the stories, cobbling together costumes and props, acting and editing. It’s a fabulous activity that really is thrifty.




Children love to create and if you give them a fun recipe and some encouragement they can get so much pleasure out of baking, either with you or on their own. Take a look at these chocolate jazzies I made with my daughter recently.

Family Fun on a Budget Ideas

They really could not be easier. If you keep it light and fun to start with, they will soon get the baking bug. A lovely way to while away an afternoon and they could even have a go at making dinner!



From being tiny toddlers digging with their tiny spades to find the worms to teenagers wielding secateurs and chopping branches (yikes), my kids have always loved to be involved in our garden. Having their own responsibilities and their own areas of the garden has taught them so much about being nurturing and caring. It has also kept them busy whilst we have jobs to do out there too. There is an easy harmony to our little family when we are all working in the garden that makes me feel so content. A truly lovely activity to do together.



Sport is another fun activity to do as a family and not something that should just be reserved for after school clubs or organised lessons. There is so much scope for family sports from cheap family swimming sessions, to football on the local fields. Or why not try tennis in the garden or a big group get together with other families for an outdoor picnic and a game of rounders. It’s lovely to hang out as a family and play some sport rather than everyone doing their own separate thing.


There is a common theme that links all these fun family things to do on a budget. Essentially they are brilliant because they are about shared experiences not material things. And shared experiences make memories and keep us bonded.


I hope you have enjoyed my Family Fun on a Budget Ideas post. You might also like to look at more of my parenting and budgeting posts here





1 Comment

  1. JUles
    October 7, 2017 / 02:00

    These are all great ideas – baking in particular is so good and ingredients are so cheap compared to shop bought cakes, and often yummier too!

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