My thrifty week – 5 frugal things

My thrifty week

Well I have to tell you I am delighted that this little blog has been included in this list of


One of my frugal things this week is to encourage you to go and have a look at the list and find some more fab frugal blogs to read.

So what other frugal things have I been up too?

Well dissuading my kids form insisting on new Halloween costumes  when theirs still fit, are great fun and only have been worn once or twice. For one evenings wear its just not worth it. So I said no (because sometimes you just have to!)

And I have been encouraging my kids to write and draw and remember the pleasures of being creative without needing screen time or  planned expensive activities. Using craft you tube ideas and a new jotter for stories has really inspired them. It’s been a back to basics half term.

Well we had a huge disaster a few weeks ago and the kitchen ceiling fell in! The pipes under the bath came a part and whoosh down came the water onto the ceiling then bang! OMG what a disaster. the insurance company insisted I got two quote. Personally I would never have done this. but the 2 quotes were a hundred pounds apart.! Blimey was that  a lesson learned here to always get more than one quote!

Another thing we have discovered this half term week is the fun to be had with simple card games. Top trumps and a pack of playing cards have bought just so much fun to our family and at such little cost they are well worth investing in for some fab family time . We love this baby animals set. A £3.99 bargain.


The Fabulously Frugal Things I’ve Done This Week Linky rules:

We’d love you to join in with us by sharing what frugal and thrifty things you’ve been up to this week – whether it’s an Instagram picture (#5frugalthings), a blog post or even a video. Just add your link to the linky at the bottom of this post.

You don’t have to share five things you’ve done, anything thrifty or frugal that you’ve been doing is perfect.

We’d like to make this a great little community linky so it would be brilliant if you could comment on a couple of the other blog posts linked up. We’ll make sure that we comment on all posts and if you have a Pinterest friendly image then we’ll Pin your post to one of our boards too.


You’re more than welcome to copy and paste the badge above but it would be even better if you could let your readers know that you’re linking up with us by adding a little line to the bottom of your post like this one:

I’m linking up with Cass, Emma and Becky in this week’s ‘Five Fabulously Frugal things I’ve done this week linky.

So how frugal have you been this week?





  1. Faith A.
    October 29, 2016 / 09:36

    I’ve also been resisting the clamours for new Hallowe’en costumes, because last year’s skeletons still fit absolutely fine. Now my daugher wants to go as a Zombie, but think we can manage that by chopping up some too small clothes a bit and bunging on some face paints. Congrats on the making the blog list, that’s brilliant news!

  2. October 31, 2016 / 00:18

    Always get more than one quote! That’s the best advice, it can make such a difference and if you would prefer a certain company, they sometimes match the quote!


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