Today – 50 things to do when stuck indoors with the kids
Things to do when stuck indoors with the kids
- Make a memory box and fill it up
- Make a folded paper monster
- Bake my easy Shortbread recipe
- Make a twig boat
- Look through old photo albums and put loose photos into albums
- Make an Easter tree
- Have a go at ALL your board games even the ones that seem to you or look a bit hard – you might find a new favourite
- grab the gel and youtube videos o wild with no new hairstyles for all the family
- Show your kids the films you loved as a younger you, from the Breakfast club to ET there are some real treasures to share
- Write some letters to people you love, people love getting letters and it can feel wonderful to connect, get out the stickers and the fancy pens pop o some music and all of you do this
- Have a kitchen disco
- Curate a happy family playlist and some individual ones to help shake off the blues
- Set up an obstacle course in your garden using chairs, odd bits of wood, a few plant pits to dribble a ball around perhaps a slide or a plastic bowl to balance on their heads. A bit of prep for hours of free fun.
- Stock up your craft box from your recycling box (tp rolls, milk cartons, egg boxes, etc.)
- Cardboard box crafts are great fun and you’ll probably have all you need to hand
- Encourage your children to keep a gratitude journal and write down 3 things every day they have enjoyed or are grateful for – when times are tough it is more important than ever to look for the positives
- Read read read – it’s the perfect opportunity to check out these books for reluctant readers if your child is not keen
- Make a den and make it super cosy so it becomes a lovely hangout spot
- Have a bash at baking some banana muffins
- Why not get the kids to put on a show?
- have a game of charades – always loads of fun and perfect for when you are stuck indoors with the kids
- Skyping with friends and family can be done form the phone and helps you all feel more connected to the outside world.
- Make yarn sticks (surprisingly super relaxing!)
- Make some grinch playdough! (or any kind you want really)
- Check out the best YouTube channel for craft-loving kids
- Make a pinecone bird feeder
- Try your hand at yummy chocolate bark
- Learn a family dance routine to a great song like dancing Queen
- Learn some card games together with the perfect stuck indoors with the kids game!
- Could you do something worthwhile and contribute to the human voicebank
- Write a story where every member of the family contribute – you could even make some story stones like these after and then do it again
- Check out science sparks and try a few science experiments
- have a go at colouring mandalas scientifically proven to help you all chill – you can find free images here
- Have a big declutter it could help make you a few pennies. It can be way more fun than it sounds especially if you crank up the music.
- Make some origami paper corners
- Have your kids help you meal plan
- Teach your kids some simple skills, bed making, washing machine, dishwasher, etc.
- Make a butterfly feeder
- Draw pictures of each other
- Put together a laughter kit for when it all gets too much
- How about creating a happy jar filed with happy memories
- Leaf printing is always fun if you have access to a garden
- Or how about stone painting?
- OOh and how about these cake pop recipes these would be fun to make!
- A simple fabric wreath for spring would make a lovely family project
- And OMG how about having a go at this Easter egg cheesecake
- Make paper aeroplanes and have a competition!
- Make fruit kebabs
- Have a go at a simple guided meditation to totally relax you all
- Make chocolate jazzies
- Ooh and how about giving some LEGO Stem activities a go?
So many cool things to do when stuck indoors with the kids!
A guided relaxation for kids
Wow, that’s a bit of a bumper list of things to do when stuck indoors with the kids – you need never be bored again! But if you are check out my boredom games for kids post
I hope these fun things to do when stuck indoors with the kids inspire you to make the very most of it. If you find it hard to motivate your kids then do take a look at my post on how to stop kids procrastinating
Oh, I have just one more! How make a sofa den
And there are more fun things to do when stuck indoors with the kids
One of my best bloggy pals Maggy from Red Ted Art has 3 great stuck indoors with the kids ideas for you..she is the queen of crafting so these are guaranteed to be good
- Try your hand at friendship bracelets
- Learn to finger knit
- Make corner book marks
Recommended reads when stuck indoors with kids
If you need a little more inspiration when stuck indoors with kids let me introduce you to a couple of fabulous books.
Create your own happy
My own book Create your own happy is a happiness boosting book for kids and contains 50 activities to make them smile and boost their self-esteem.
Easy paper projects
Another book absolutely perfect for times when you are stuck indoors with the kids is Easy Paper Projects by Maggy Woodley from Red Ted Art.
Easy Paper Projects has 60 ways to craft from paper – a cheap and simple resource that i easy to access and can be recycled. This is a great book that will keep kids occupied for hours.
If you are stuck indoors with kids then these ideas should keep you happy and productive. Wishing you all the very best,
Pin things to do when stuck indoors with the kids for later
Becky x
Thanks so much for including Science Sparks Becky xx