A bloggers personal office space

I have many dreams of a beautiful office with a huge desk overlooking a garden filled with flowers. All would be white and clutter free and I would have lot of room and super amazing storage.

This is my current  situation. It is white but where is the window and the space!

my desk

My current personal office space is a corner of the kitchen, right next to the gas meter and just behind the kitchen door.

I like it because it means I can keep  supervising the kids whilst I do a bit of work. I like it because I have easy access to the kettle too.

I have to tell you though there are reasons I don’t like it too

It faces a wall and I don’t have enough space or privacy and my work stuff has to be kept on the kitchen table behind me and is constantly being moved for dinner or a game of subbuteo.

I have a rather un-comfy chair. I wanted a swivel chair but we just did not have the room 9 and the kids would spend all their time twirling on it)

I do like my desk which was made for me and is white and it has useful drawer which is packed full with ‘essential stationery’ I say essential in quotation marks because let’s be honest here, is vibrant pink and lime washi tape essential?

I do rather love stationary. I would love to have a little logo made for my blog and use it on all my styationery now that really would be uber cool.

Over at the Post Office Online Shop I have seen some rather lovely pink notebooks that would compliment my washi tape and and have to say I am rather tempted.  A blogger can never have too many notebooks .They also sell a range of computer cleaning products which I could well do with stashing in my desk drawer. Crumbs in the keyboard is not very cool and I do eat rather a lot of biscuits when blogging – they inspire me!)

Despite my moans and groans my little office area is an area I am proud to call my own.



collaborative post







  1. November 9, 2015 / 14:14

    Oh, I have the same office dreams! I am now in the kitchen, too, and I am at least right by the doors out to the garden, so can see that. It’s still just a little desk against a wall, though – filled with pretty stationery, of course 😉

  2. December 3, 2018 / 06:42

    Great to know this idea thanks

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