A life of luxury on a budget

Today – A life of luxury on a budget

I do like nice things. I guess its probably fair to say we all do.But affording the nicer things in live doesnt have to leave you in debt. I have a few tricks up my sleeve!

I like to stay in lovey hotels,  I have been reviewing a hotel in Mayfair this past weekend with my family. I know I know opportunities like this don’t come up very often but there are otherwise to get to stay in nice hotels without paying the full price.Check out some Hotels.com codes and see how much you can save. Visiting out of season and midweek are also cost saving options.


A life of luxury on a budget

When it come to gifts and cards I also like to make sure what I give is special. I love handmade cards form the children for family members and I love Moonpig and you can often find voucher codes for moon pigs which makes their exceptional, personalised cards that bit cheaper.


One of my biggest passions at the moment as I’m sure regular readers have realised is doing up my home. If you recall my lounge makeover was supported by Achica which is a flash sales site for designer home wares. Oh I adore Achica I keep popping back to see what they have as stock changes all the time. I’m loving these garden chairs at the moment,You are already getting designer homeware at excellent prices but if you can find some Achica promo codes you can save even more.

You really can have nice things without spending lots of money you just need to do a bit of investigating first. Don’t ever forget to check for voucher codes!

If you like a bit of luxury you may fancy a read of my Ragdale Hall Review!



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