I love easy crafting with kids.
I like them to be able to do a lot of it themselves and to be really happy with what they make, I think a good crafting book is a great investment for a family. crafting brings hours of fun and the whole family can get involved.
My friends and the UK’s top craft blogger Maggy Woodley has written an awesome crafting book which I highly recommend. It is called Red Ted Art: Cute and Easy Crafts for Kids and it has 60 amazing craft ideas.It costs just £7 !
Almost all Maggy’s projects are based on nature or bits and bobs you will find around your home. This makes this book a great value. How far would £7 go if you went to soft play or swimming. maybe 2 trips? With a great craft guide you have endless play potential and may even be promoted to come up with your own projects.
We adored this book; it has walnut boats and toilet roll angels and felted strawberries and stick men. It is an absolute delight for all ages.
If you are looking to make an investment into your child play and creativity and a commitment to family time this is a great choice.
The book is fabulous isn’t it? We bought a copy and it arrived yesterday, just lovely.