Creative and Thrifty Halloween Fun

Seasonal fun does not have to come from a store. In fact it can be found in my kitchen!


I am a big believer in an a unplugged childhood and children being creative and having fun away form screens. #unplugged childhood is  absolutely my most favourite Instagram hashtag too, do  take a look you can get some fabulously inspiring ideas.

Another place to find  great play ideas is on Pinterest particularly at this time of year. Creative ideas for Halloween abound and I have loved seeing decorated carved peppers, spooky spider soup,  mummies wrapped up in toilet paper and some lovely Halloween home-made outfits.

It’s all great fun and wonderful for a child’s imagination and creativity

As a nation I think Halloween has been embraced as time to be creative and I love that so much of it is  homemade/handmade fun rather than shop bought.

Long may  this continue and thrifty fun and resourcefulness be a big part of our children’s playtime

Over at DFS their is a brilliant guide to creating a sofa den It really is the recipe for the very best sofa den ever in the history of sofa dens and your child  just needs your sofa, a bit of time and their imagination. Now that’s family budgeting in action right there!

This would be a really fun thing to do over Halloween. Why not just print of the guide and set your kids to work .

My kids took this perfectly ordinary table added sofa cushion and made a spooctacular den


My kids wanted to create a Halloween den under the table so they used the sofa den guide to make the most excellently spooky entrance



They loved it and were so proud of their creation!


This spooky post is brought to you by DFS. take a look at their website to find out more about their great range of DFS Sofas


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