Do you need Specialist Insurance

Today –  Do you need Specialist Insurance?


Will standard insurance be enough?

Do you have items in your home that require specialist home insurance?

I can’t think of anything in mine  that is particularly valuable from a monetary perspective. I have a trilby that belonged to my dad that I would be heartbroken if anything happened to as it couldn’t be replaced with any meaning by money.

As well as regular home insurance John Lewis offer specialist home insurance that can cover the following

Specialist cover for additional homes, buy-to-let properties and holiday homes – in the UK and abroad.
Non-standard properties covered, such as thatched and flat roofs.
All your personal possessions protected, anywhere in the world.
Accidental Damage Cover for Buildings
and Contents.
Specialist cover for your fine art and antiques.

Do you need Specialist Insurance?

My friend has an original piece of art up in her lounge that cost her  a great deal of money. It is absolutely superb and I guess if anything happened to that they most probably would need specialist home insurance. They could not t replace the original but they could buy another original to fill their wall space and for them to enjoy.

Do you need Specialist Insurance

Are you paying twice?

Having specialist home insurance not only can protect very special items it also covers items such as personal possession where ever you are in the world (so no need for separate phone or glasses insurance here)  I have never considered the fact that i am double insured on items before and this is definitely an area to look into. My glasses were always broken at home and yet i would claim on glasses insurance not home insurance. Hmmm. What else am I paying twice for.


Having the right cover

Many years ago my aunty’s horse had a terrible accident and she had to pay out £7000 for an operation to save him. She could have done with insurance. My flat roof caved in on my old house and little did I know this wasn’t covered by my regular house insurance.  I had to borrow the money to repair my roof as it was an urgent job and this left me in a very difficult position.

So if you have a vintage car in the garage, a thatched roof, a Faberge egg even, you may need special insurance. Really you would be best find that out now rather than after the event!



Do you need Specialist Insurance is a collaborative post – you might also like my post on why you should hire an insurance agent




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