Dreaming of my pop-up shop


Dreaming of my pop-up shop – I often think about ways in which to make a little bit of extra money. I have done all sorts. I have written a book, been a life model, marked university papers, babysat -all sorts of bits and bobs to enable me to stay home with my children whilst they were small. For a while, I even ran baby signing classes.

One of my most favourite ways to make money is selling things – from car boot sales to an Etsy store, an online shop to a market stall, I have been trying my hand at selling for years.

My children are older now and my mind is turning to longer work projects – they no longer need me to be at home and I would like to earn more money. Selling is still at the front of my mind.


Dreaming of my pop-up shop

I have in the past thought about dabbling with a pop-up shop, rather than taking on a fuller commitment just in case I didn’t enjoy it. A shop for a week or even a day sounds fun and would be a good trial run.

Hmmm….but what would I sell?

I have often thought how much I would love to sell flowers but that feels like a lot of very early mornings!

My first love has always books and I also love locally made crafts so either of them would probably work (maybe I could combine the two?)

And I would need a name for my shop. Does Becky’s Books sound too dull? I fear it does.

I would need a sign for my shop of course.

I have been having a play over at Signomatic where you can try your hand at designing your own sign.

Let me know what you think of these?




They just take a minute to do and the choice of font/colour/size and template is up to you. This one is green plastic and the one below white aluminium. Don’t they look great? And they are super speedy to pop together.


So much fun to play around with.

Have you ever thought about having a shop? What would you sell if you did? As ever, I love to hear your ideas, so do drop me a comment below.





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