Dressing Well on a Budget Linky : Ready for Woolly Tights!

Well car boot booty is now sadly gone :(. I am only a fair weather booter so my new linky Dressing well on a budget opens its doors for winter. I love clothes I have always loved clothes, but money doesn’t usually stretch to buying me exactly what I want so I have learned to be creative with where I shop.

Winter is fast approaching and that to me means woolly tights at the ready. I love woolly tights and my winter boots but having lost 37 lbs (sorry definitely showing off there) since last winter I needed a few new things to wear with my woolly tights and winter boots. I have been brave and bought both a size too small to spur me on.

Both these items came from the Cancer Research  shop so supporting a good cause as well as my budget.

Do you like them ?

The denim shorts have the cutest lining and a high waist so they look very on trend. These cost £3.25



The skirt is from Primark and brand new with its tags. made of wool it should have cost £10 but £5.25 in the charity shop. More than I would normally spend but v cute. Its also very short and I would wear this with navy leggings rather than tights.  I can hear my dad now saying that’s not a skirt that a bloomin’ belt!



Have you been dressing well on less? I ‘d love you to link up any frugal fashion finds you have made recently. Lets inspire each other!!

I will make a badge for future weeks but for now will you just post a link back to this post on any post you share  xxx

Have a fab week!

Linked up at



  1. September 24, 2012 / 01:49

    I LOVE that wooly skirt! Charity Shops are super places to find bargains and I don’t know about you but I find have a good rummage through thing very relaxing!

    • Becky
      September 25, 2012 / 07:54

      I like the books best tho!

  2. Steph (@imcountingufoz)
    September 24, 2012 / 09:48

    Primark has some GREAT on-trend stuff this season, some lovely argyle skirts for one. I am going on a clothes swap evening soon, hoping to get some new stuff there.

  3. October 6, 2012 / 20:48

    I just came to add to your linky but it’s finished! Is there another one, love this idea, and really love the shorts! Wear with white shirt.x

    • Becky
      October 8, 2012 / 07:16

      Check in on fridat for the frugal fashiopn club linky (renamed it…more catchy!)

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