Essential money saving items every parent needs

Essential money saving items every parent needs

Prevention is better than a cure as we all well know and when it comes to kids we need to have a fair few tricks up our sleeve. Preventing things form being ruined can save money over and over again but you have to spend a little first. I would really advise every parent consider buying/providing the following in order to safeguard carpets, painted wallsm, furniture, clothes, good shoes,etc.  I really believe if you spend a little in advance you can actually save yoursef a fortune


Essential money saving items every parent needs

Have you ever thought what would make your checklist?

money saving items every parent needs

Photo credits: jeici

Essential money saving items every parent needs – a checklist

  • Stain removiung pre-wash liquid to keep clothes decent
  • A sewing kit
  • A rubbish bag for the car and sick bags too!
  • A selection of clothes that are fine to get really dirty in or get holes in or spaghetti down
  • Play shoes (that are different to school or going out shoes)
  • Loads of wipes  (in their handbag, near the dining table  and in the playroom.)
  • Sellotape to mend games boxes before they completely split
  • A painting shirt for crafting (an apron or rolled sleeves just don’t cover it!)
  • A plastic tablecloth
  • A  carpet cleaning shampoo
  • A big tray for when they are glittering otherwise it travels around the home
  • A shoebox by the front door and an absolute NO SHOES in the house rule.
  • Bins in every room
  • Old towels (for washing machine leaks and the like) These can save floor s being ruined
  • A plunger
  • A frozen pizza and a secret stash of choc to prevent a big take away blowout if you are feeling you can’t be bothered
  • Hot water bottles and woolly jumpers available even through /spring-summer top prevent the heating being

Can you think of anything else that can save us money in the long run? 



I do hope this post on essential money saving items every parent needs has been useful




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