Crafting is one of the most brilliant activities ever devised for kids. It uses their imagination, calms them down, helps develop their fine motr skills as well as their visualization and artistic skills AND it is a cost effective way to keep them entertained.
Days out can cost a great deal. This is UK so summer rain is inevitable we definitely need some tricks up our sleeves for the school summer holidays.
About a week ago I was sent some docrafts goody bags to review with the kids. There is a range of goody bags to pick from loosely based of gender ( but I was delighted to see aliens and rockets in the girls one!).
My goodness these craft bags are jam packed! Stickers and pom poms, pipe cleaners and foam, googly eyes and stationary, colouring pencils and paper , feathers, a make your own jigsaw, beads and more! The contents are worth over £18 yet the bac (which is a very handy holder) costs £9.95. What a bargai
I do (as you know) like a bargain. Do you want to see what we have made from the bags so far..?
We are working on a little alien picture gallery
Lisi made a rather lovely birthday card for her friend
and check out the swish handbag!
We have plans for peg dolls and bracelets and possibly some mask making too.
These bags are perfect for taking with us when we go visiting or on holiday and I have to say they are jam packed full. A lovely addition to my summer holiday keep boredom at pay plans!
I love to craft with the kids and see their imagination and creativity explode and they love it is more-ish!
Docrafts is one of the UK’s leading craft suppliers. The quality and diversity of their products is fab.
Visit: to see their full range.