Boys Bedroom Makeover – Sponsored by Argos
Boys Bedroom Makeover Oh it’s a challenge!
My goodness 2 big things needed before we could decorate and makeover this room. The first is coming up with a plan we both like and the second is sorting out, clearing out, cleaning and decorating the room….. There are so many bits and bobs! Let’s pull a plan together first and next time I’ll talk you through our sorting out nightmare process.
A plan we both like
Coming up with a plan for my son’s bedroom makeover was harder than I thought it was going to be. Aged 8 he has a lot of opinions about what he likes. I certainly want to encourage this as it is great for him to be interested, engaged and creatively involved in his room makeover. But there is a but.
In the past we have bought him a Thomas the Tank engine bed, curtains and train table only for these to have been grown out of in a year. He is currently a big Beano fan but I don’t want to go down this route really as I don’t have the budget to change things again a year in. So I want him to go for something less ‘interest bound’ convincing him of this is not so easy but it is the budget option.
My Shopping List for aBoys Bedroom Makeover
I knew on my shopping list for the room he needed certain items. He felt he needed a TV and computer and all would be well. Ha! I showed him all the stuff on his desk, all over the floor and under his bed and one by one showed him why certain very practical items were completely necessary and how these would help him access and mange his toys. He got it completely and toned down his IT makeover focus! I stopped looking at the great-value dressing table and remembered it was his room being made over and eventually we had a list pulled together.
So on OUR shopping list were….
· A proper sized bed (possibly with storage)
· A new duvet set (Argos have a variety of bedding sets from kids charcters to plain to modern design…a great choice!)
· A book case
· A white chair to go with his desk
· A wall clock to encourage his time keeping
· A desk lamp
· Some Lego storage ( – he found and came up with this idea himself browsing the Argos store! ) Would you like a sneak peek of some of the accessories we chose ….
Asking the right questions
I decided to narrow down my questions from what do you fancy your room looking like to ….
· So what colour would you like your new duvet to be? (rather than what do you want on your duvet?)
· Do you want blinds or curtains (rather than what curtains would you like?)
· Which of these 3 beds (that I had chosen) do you like the best?
· Which of these 2 white chairs would you prefer?
This may sound a tad controlling but really we had a budget and the choices need to be practical and work with what we already had in the room and last the distance. He still got some choice but essentially I would have like d whatever he had chosen from the range offered.
I don’t believe that mum always knows best but I am so tired of nagging him to tidy up a room which just doesn’t have adequate storage this had to be our priority!
Football and The Beano could definitely be accommodated but not in permanent or expensive ways. I purchased a few cheap white frames and F chose the pictures/posters he would like to go up
Art is a real good way to show off their interests without spending too much and then having to live with something they have out grown,
The beauty of Argos is the huge variety of items they sell and how very practical their items are. You get excellent value for money too so we really were able to get what we needed. Frankie made some great choices for his room and it will help the storage problems immensely.
Argos have a colour match scheme where you can buy lampshades, rugs, blinds, etc. all in the exact colour match at a really good value price. This is a brilliant way to pop a colour scheme into a bedroom and tie it all together.
So we have a plan. The room items have been chosen and we know our colours. Now we need to get cleared, cleaned and decorated.
See you soon !