Today – How to save money on your appliances
It always happens when you least expect it. But you can guarantee your household appliance will break down when you need it the most! Whether it’s an older model that’s come to the end of it’s life or a part of the machine that need replacing to make it work just as well as it did before, there’s nothing worse than having an unexpected expense – especially when there are so many other things that need your attention.
How to save money on your appliances
But how can you save money when it comes to your appliances? Don’t be dragged in by the “Flash Sales” and “Limited Time Only Prices” that are plastered all over the TV and online – here we’ve got the lowdown on how you can save money.
Don’t Replace when you can repair!
So, you have a newish vacuum cleaner or food processor that’s appears to have stopped working for some unknown reason! But did you know that you don’t have to raid your savings and go and find the lowest price on the high street. Is it worth getting the appliance fixed first? Companies like Repair It, Reuse It, specialise in repairing a wide range of household items. Pinpointing the cause of the fault and then repairing it and more than half the price of a new appliance.
Why not give a local company a call before you hit the shops?
How to save money on your appliances – Consider last years model
Don’t be fooled by the very latest in appliance technology. If you managed without the latest accessory or washing machine feature then, chances are – you can survive without it. If you don’t mind owning last year’s model, you can shave hundreds of pounds off your appliance purchase. Best time to shop is around September and October as this is when stores are under pressure to clear space for the new arrivals and Christmas items!
How to save money on your appliances by embracing scratches and dents
A small scratch or dent could become your best friend if you’re on a tight budget. Ask a member of staff if they have any damaged appliances for sale. Then, survey the damaged models to decide what you are willing to live with – even the smallest blemish can net big savings!
Only buy what you need!
Have you ever noticed how the most expensive appliance models are typically the first that you come to in the store? No coincidence, I assure you. To keep yourself from falling for the latest bells and whistles, make a list of what you need before you venture into the high street. Then, buy the cheapest model that meets those needs. Just remember: that refrigerator with the built-in TV isn’t going to keep your food any colder!
Trading in is how to save money on your appliances
It’s no secret that trading in your car can save you money on a new car purchase, but did you know that you can sometimes do the same thing with your appliances? Check with appliance dealers in your area to see if any accept trade-ins. Then, find out how much your current appliance is worth. It could just be your ticket to a bargain!
How to save money on your appliances is a feature post