What a year it has been.
Since 23 March 2020, our lives have been turned upside down due to the monstrous effects of the COVID-19 pandemic. This generation has never experienced such a catastrophic event, and because of this, our lives are still far from normal. Due to the debilitating nature of the disease, the NHS has been under enormous pressure trying to tackle this pandemic as fast as it progressed, yet sadly physical health is just one way the pandemic has affected our lives.
The effect the pandemic has had on our own mental health, and that of our families, is huge. Whilst some people thrived with their newfound free time, others struggled with the lack of structure and human interaction. Consequently, the change to our personal lives also put enormous pressure on our relationships, challenging everyone to adapt as much as possible.
Despite the number of children who have been physically affected by COVID-19 being low, research from Benenden Health found that a third of parents have seen a negative impact on their children’s mental health and wellbeing since the start of the pandemic.
What is worse, the Centre for Mental Health estimates that 1.5 million children will need ongoing support in its aftermath. Lockdown has seen children lose their structure as schools were made to shut down, loss of human interaction with people outside of their bubble and no outdoor mood-boosting activities.
Worst of all, children that have families in conflict have suffered unimaginably, witnessing behaviours they have no way of escaping from has left some children in an extremely vulnerable position. But, of course, adults have suffered greatly too.
For many of us, the pandemic caused our worlds to turn upside down. People lost their jobs, had to isolate, were detached from their families and, in many cases, relationships were impacted greatly. Couples that lived together had to adapt to never leaving each other’s side whilst other couples had to cope with a long-distance relationship; no one had it easy. The BBC reports that there has been a spike in searches for online advice on how to end a relationship.
Not only has the pandemic highlighted relationship strains, but in some cases these strains have turned into unresolvable cracks. Luckily divorce solicitors have been working sensitively to help families struggling with the aftermath of three challenging lockdowns, making the process as harmless and straightforward as possible. The Independent states that divorce enquiries to legal firms has soared by 95% in the wake of the pandemic, even from people who felt no tension before the pandemic began.
Impact of the pandemic on family and home life is a feature post – You might also like my post on How to get out of doubt