I have been over at mortgagecalculator.uk this morning exploring my options as I ponder the question – is now a good time to move? It is a question I know many people have wrestled with over recent months.
Is now a good time to move?
I know a fair few people though who have moved recently and it has surprised me greatly. I was shielding initially and the world seemed very small to me yet here were people I knew, sensible people, still going through with puttiinght er house on the market or in one case actually completeing a previously unplanned house move.
The very thought of it filled me with worries.
What was I worried about?
- You would have to come into contact with so many people from solicitors to movers to real estate agents
2. You would have to negotiate a new neighbourhood during a lockdown
3. And Aaggh the stress of moving during what was already a stressful time.
Honestly, I would not have contemplated it for us. A couple that did move during the start of the pandemic reported feeling like criminals for having done so.
I can imagine there will have been a lot of judgement. T here really WAS so much judgement of each other at the start wasn’t there? I think now we are more understanding that we each have different situations and unique responses because of that.
But honestly, during the summer my persoanl view was that it really was not a good time to move.
And yet..we are about to go to Tier 3 here in Nottingham, things are not really any better than they were 6 months ago and I am at a different place in my mind. I have realised (and accepted) that life goes on.
Why I would now move during the pandemic
I would now contemplate a move.
So what’s changed?
Well, a couple of things.
I am very keen to support local business: estate agents, movers and the like and I do think if we are all careful we can and should keep using our local businesses before we lose them.
As a freelancer, I was worried about my income and this would have stopped me making a bigger, new financial commitment. But we are far enough into the pandemic now to realise my income has not really been impacted and using the mortgage calculator has shown me what I can comfortably afford.
I also feel other people are less judgemental now, we have all realised that at least to some degree life does have to just go on.
I have also come to realise my home is the key most important thing in my life after my family and friends and I want it to be perfect, absolutely right for us..and this means it is time to start thinking about moving.
So yes I have changed my mind on this.
Over to you
I would absolutely love to hear your thoughts on this – have you been thinking is now a good time to move?