Today – How to Survive Your Child’s First Day at School
How to Survive Your Child’s First Day at School
A child’s first day at school can be a nerve-wracking time for both the parent and toddler. Mums and dads will be anxious about their offspring spending the whole day away and kids will be worried because transitioning from nursery to school is a big step.
In order to survive the first day, preparation is crucial. One needs to prepare the little one to cope with the day and you also need to prepare yourself for a whirlwind of emotions.
To give your child the best possible chance of surviving the day, get them ready by teaching them specific skills in advance. These include basic numeracy, the alphabet, getting dressed, opening a lunch box on their own, and writing their own name. It is not required for your child to carry out these tasks independently but would help to ease any distresses.
· Independence
The best way you can endure the day is to encourage your little one’s independence. Support them prior to school by practicing the following skills; going to the toilet, carrying and hanging up a school bag and coat, pulling up sleeves to wash hands, and changing clothes such as sport clothes and jumpers.
· Trust
It can be a daunting task leaving your child in a new environment with new teachers and classmates. Trust that the professionals know what they are doing and don’t spend too long fussing over your child. Go in, help them find their peg and register, but don’t stay too long. Fretting can actually unsettle your child even more so even if you are anxious, don’t let it show.
· How to Survive Your Child’s First Day at School? Label all items
The chances are there will be at least twoor more kids in the same class with the same lunch box or pencil case, and all the pupils will have the same school uniform so label all your child’s items to ensure they don’t get lost. Simply pop their name or initials on the inside of all belongings.
· How to Survive Your Child’s First Day at School – take Pictures
Your child’s first day is one to be cherished forever so take lots of pictures of your little one dressed in their new uniform before you go to school. It is more ideal to take snaps in the comfort of your own home rather than at the school to avoid making your child nervous posing in front of their classmates.
· Arrive on time
Your child will either love the experience or hate it but what matters is that you pick your child up on-time. If they see their other classmates starting to leave they may become upset. Besides, you will want to get their early to hear all about their first day.
This article on How to Survive Your Child’s First Day at School was written by Born Gifted, specialists in baby and children’s gifts as well as back to school necessities. Visit the website today to check out the extensive collection of lunch boxes, school bags, drinks bottles, stationery and more.
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