Q-PIC Selfie Shooter Review

q-pic review

Q-PIC rocks!

Being a blogger does not mean I am at all techie. In fact inf I am honest my OH does all the techie bits..if I tough any IT /technical stuff I somehow seem to manage to bodge it. This is why several weeks after receiving it the Q-pic selfie shooter has remained in it’s case.

But it’s 4 am and I have woken up and for some reason decided it was time to give it ago.

2 minutes after getting it out the box I have got it o work. So unbelievably simple. I am amazed and secretly delighted that I am not going to have to ask for help (yet again)

You seriously simply press the on button on the Q-PIC. Go to your phone, turn on Bluetooth …it will appear in the list and you press to pair it. Then pop your phone up where you like, turn the camera on yourself, press the Q-PIC and you have a photo.

Simple, simple simple.

It is made of silicone and comes with a matching carry band and free carry bag and is available in a  range of vibrant colours. It costs £19.99 and is available from QDOS
It’s robust, the battery is easy to change and you don’t have to download any fiddly apps.
Q-PIC will snap pictures or videos from a distance of up to 30 metres in open space and will work with the majority of android phones (version 4.3 or later)as well as iphones. I love that it is small and light to carry (22×49.5mm and just 29g) but what i love most is that from now on I can be in family shots more!

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