Save Money On Your Family Printing

Today – Save Money On Your Family Printing

Save Money On Your Family Printing

How to Save Money On Your Family Printing

Are you wondering how to save money on your family printing?

Anyone who works from their home will understand the importance of cutting costs; including saving money on printing. If your family also uses printers, you’ll soon find that you need to find a way to economise on this expenditure.

The printer has many uses

The Daily Telegraph estimates that the number of people who work from home has risen to 3 million. Combine this figure with the number of families who use computers and are constantly printing off documents and pictures, and your total printing costs could increase.

Thankfully, there are ways to budget.


Reduce your use of the printer

Always ask yourself if the material that you are printing is necessary. It might be cheaper, for both students and home workers to download material onto a memory stick and then take it into the school or office when required.

Printing off emails is a complete waste of resources. If you do need to print material, for example, some legal documents or essays have to be printed, make sure that you use good quality re-cycled paper. This will be cheaper than buying the standard variety.


Looking after your printer will help your budget

One of the costs that you should look out for is the high price of ink cartridges. If you wanted to indulge in a taste for Dom Perignon champagne, you might find it cheaper than constantly buying new ones!

If your new ink cartridge cost £13.00 for 4ml, this would work out at £3,000 per litre. A 75ml bottle of quality champagne would only set you back just £150.

Try to buy refillable cartridges. When you buy your printer make sure that it accepts either second-hand cartridges or recycled models.


Save Money On Your Family Printing by not switching  your printer on and off

Another way of saving money on ink is to keep your printer on at all occasions. Every time you switch on your printer, it runs a cleaning cycle. The idea is to clean the printer’s nozzles, but this process uses ink, and according to the Daily Mail you will use four times the amount of ink if you switch your printer on and off for use.


Some fonts use less ink than others

You can also minimise expenditure by selecting a font that will use less ink. Arial uses more ink than Times New Roman;Century Gothic is also cheaper to use.

In 2010, The University of Wisconsin managed to slash its ink expenditure by 30% when it changed from Arial to Century Gothic. Even though home PC use doesn’t equal the volume of paperwork generated by a university, over a year, the domestic savings can still be substantial.


Monochrome printing is cheapest is a great way to save money on your family printing

Colour printing, especially if you want to print off photographs, is sometimes unavoidable. It comes at a cost, though. Monochrome printing is much cheaper than colour so try and stick to black ink only wherever possible.

You can use your inner design abilities to make the message stand out.


Further reading on how to Save Money On Your Family Printing

Have a look here for more tips on how to save money on printing costs


Save Money On Your Family Printing is a feature post


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