Saving money on your household bills

Today we are gong to look at saving momey on your household bills

Saving money on your household bills



Saving money on your household bills – top tips

Saving money on your household bills is something you need to work at constantly. Looking at your bills each month and figuring out how you can reduce them is often the best way to make savings. It isn’t something you should do once a year or less! Below, you’ll find a few really easy ways to save money on your household bills. Take a look:


Switch Providers

Start by seeing if you can switch providers. When your contract is up with a utility company, don’t automatically renew with them. They may have offered you the best deal at one stage, but that doesn’t mean they are doing that now. You should compare providers every year and swap if you’re not getting the best deal. Once you’ve found a better deal, all you usually have to do is contact the company and they will take care of the swap for you. However, it’s worth noting that sometimes you can ring up your current supplier and tell them about the deal you have found, and they might just offer you a better one to get you to stay with them.


Downgrade Your TV Package

Do you really watch all of the channels you’ve got with your TV package? If you pay for films, but you rarely watch them, it might be better for you to get rid of that package and downgrade to a better TV deal. Then if you do want to watch a film it’s easy enough to rent one using services like Amazon Prime Video and iTunes.


Only Use Your Credit Card In An Emergency

Credit card interest can really start to add up, especially if you’re using your card on things you don’t really need. It can be tough to curb spending on your credit card once you are in the habit of it, so you need to have solid financial goals in place. Using your credit card every so often for big purchases is fine, but you need to focus on paying those off rather than letting the debt build up. You’ll end up paying so much more in interest! If you really need to use a credit card – why not look at using a credit card that pays you cashback or an interest free one?


Drop Your Thermostat By A Few Degrees

By simply dropping your thermostat by a few degrees and wearing cosy socks and other clothes, you can stay warm while saving money. It adds up more than you think it does.


Install A Smart Thermostat

A smart thermostat might be an investment, but it can help you to save money and energy over time. You’ll only be heating the rooms that you really need, such as the living room. You can also control at what time during the day the house gets heated, so that it’s warm when you arrive home from work without wasting energy.


Fix Draughts

Fixing draughts coming from your windows and doors will also save you money on your bills. You don’t want heat to escape and draughts to get in, or you’ll be wasting both money and energy. The sooner you get them fixed, the better.


Always Go Shopping With A List

It’s all too easy to buy things you don’t really need when you go food shopping. Going with a list and sticking to what you really need is key to saving money. You can also try the following:

  • Use a loyalty card every time you shop, but don’t change where you shop based on the loyalty cards, shop like normal and use loyalty cards as a nice bonus.
  • Save coupons and remember to use them.
  • Buy in bulk if it works out cheaper.
  • Don’t take your kids shopping if you’ll be tempted by things you don’t need.
  • Never go shopping hungry.
  • Take the amount you’re willing to spend out of the cash point and force yourself to stick to it.


Turn Things Off When You’re Not Using Them

Always turn things off when you’re not using them, such as your kettle, microwave, lights, and TV. Don’t leave them running when you’re away or in bed. Make a routine or a reminder on your phone at night to go round and check everything is off, not only is this good to reduce energy costs but it’s also a good idea for safety as well.


Run Full Loads

Always run full loads, whether you’re using the washing machine or the dishwasher. Doing smaller loads is a waste of energy and you’ll be spending far more money than you need to. If you really want to save energy you could manually wash them..


Get Freebies

Cut the cost of things like cosmetics, protein bars and more. Instead of buying new products only for it to turn out you don’t like them when you can get free samples across the internet. Freebie sites regularly update their content with free samples they’ve found across the internet to save you having to search the web for hours trying to find free sample offers. Keeping an eye on the freebies you can get could cut your shopping list down substantially, especially with some of the prizes you can win from free to enter competitions they list as well.


Take Shorter Showers

If you often spend ages in the shower, see if you can set a timer and get in and out as quickly as possible. Don’t leave it running when you’re not in there, and avoid taking too many baths. You can also switch to a more energy efficient shower head. You might actually be eligible for things like a new free shower head from Affinity Water. They offer a selection of free water-saving products from time to time.



Saving money on your household bills



Saving money on your household bills is pretty easy when you know-how! Do give these ideas a go. I think you will be amazed how much you save!


1 Comment

  1. September 6, 2019 / 20:16

    Well I use few quotes by warren buffet and set it as my wallpaper
    On spending “if you buy things you don’t need . Soon you will have to sell thing you need”
    On saving “ do not save what is left after spending , but spend what is left after saving “

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