If you have children then you know how quickly they grow up … and out of their clothes! This can be frustrating if you have spent a lot of money on clothes with designer labels. Well there is no need to spend a fortune anymore. Here is how to cut the costs on your child’s wardrobe:
Buy Gender Neutral
This may be a little boring but buying gender neutral clothing means it can be passed down to younger siblings even if they are not of the same sex. Pick up clothing in colours such as yellow, green and red and keep picture detail to a minimum to keep everyone happy.
Buy a Size Up
Okay, so you don’t want your child to look sloppy and untucked but buying a size up can save you a lot of money. By buying the next size up this gives your child space to grow saving you from buying double the amount of clothing. You can always fold up sleeves and temporarily hem skirts and trousers to be let down at a later date.
(image: Dani Lurie)
Rent for Special Occasions
Are you attending a wedding or christening soon? You want the whole family to look their best but buying brand new outfits for everyone can cost you a small fortune. Instead it may work out cheaper for you to rent out formal outfits for the kids and a man’s suit. After all, these outfits are likely to be worn only once!
Buy Gently Used
If you take a look around your local charity or community shop then you will probably come across a number of clothing items that have barely been worn. There are some real gems to be found here. And many of these items will cost you only a pound or two. Bargain!
Hit the Sales
Why buy items as soon as they come out when in a few months they will be half the price in the sale? Hit the January sales and plan ahead. Usually sales fall at the end of a season where stores want to get rid of leftover stock. If your child is currently 6 years old then buy items for next summer in a size 7. Look out for vouchers as you may be able to get even more money off the sale price.
Swap with Friends
Just because your friends are the same age as you it doesn’t mean that your kids are the same age. If you have friends with younger children than yours or perhaps expecting, offer some items that your child no longer wears. They may even offer you some items in return which you can swap.
Make Your Own
If you are a good sewer then you could always make your own clothing. Patterns are readily available online and fabric can work out a lot cheaper than buying the clothes readymade. Even if you aren’t great with a needle and thread a little girl’s pinafore is simple to make and a boy’s waistcoat can be knocked up in a few hours.
Can you think of any more ways of saving money on children’s clothing? Don’t be shy – let us know!
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Ooh, some really good tips here ! I am a fan of buying gender neutral clothing and sizing up, as well as charity shopping. eBay is also brilliant for buying bundles of clothing – my best find was a massive bundles of vests for 99p!
Wendy – Moral Fibres