We have been playing some fabulous new games this week and having so much fun. I have to tell you about them!
First up was Creepy Hand from Megableu toys. Here’s my daughter Annalise showing you how it works (not the best video I grant you but you get the idea!)
She has played this a couple of times now and loves the dares and forfeits and for some reason the hand always seems to land on her. It does make us giggle.
Megableu Creepy Hand costs £21.99.
Ghost Hunt a game like no other that I have ever played! Megableu Ghost Hunt Evolution Game costs £30 and is an absolute hoot. You have to turn off all the light sand the skull projects random images on to your wall either bats or ghost and you have to whirl around shooting them with the laser gun.
I tried to film this to show you but just couldn’t catch it on film but take it from all of us this a hugely fun game!
I scored a miserly 7 to my son’s 15 when we played but you can play this on your own so once he’s in bed to night I am going to get practising . Mwahaha!
‘Get the bat’ is currently being yelled from our lounge and ‘it’s behind you.’
This is a game for the whole family – just so much fun.
So we have been having lots of spooky fun this week and I know we’ll play these long after Halloween too.
Both games are available from Amazon and all good toy shops.
That hand totally freaks me out!!