The cost of life on a boat

I used to have a boyfriend who lived on a boat and I thought it was very romantic. I have never considered it since though since i settled down and had kids and I have to say to my mind it is for the young and carefree.

The infographic covers the total cost of living for an average household in the UK and pits it against the cost of living on a narrowboat. The results are very intriguing!

Boat vs House Infographic, The cost of life on a boat


Have look here to find out more about boat moorings and the boating life



  1. Floating Boatyard
    June 5, 2018 / 19:32

    Great to see a place where the costs of boating are presented realistically. Many of our clients are surprised how much it can cost to maintain a narrowboat in good order. It’s a great lifestyle, but not necessarily cheaper than living in house.

    • Becky Goddard-Hill
      June 10, 2018 / 09:42

      And so much fun too

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