Thrifty Friday Thinking

Today – Thrifty Friday Thinking

Thrifty Friday Thinking

Thrifty Friday Thinking

Oh hello everybody I have some good ideas for you this week in my thrifty Friday thinking post!

I have been doing a bit of vlogging too (only short one I promise) so thought I would share them with you too. Do sub to my your tube channel when you click thorugh!


How to get a free Smiggle Be Kind keyring

This week I have been working with Smiggle to launch their new Be Kind campaign in conjunction with ITV@s This Morning. This fabulous anti-bullying campaign sees Smiggle give away 100,00 free keyrings with Be kind written on from their stores across the UK. Have a listen



Christmas on my mind

I am potentially having an operation at the end of this month so yes Christmas is vbery much on my mind at the moment. have a look here at my ideas for handmade Christmas ornamanets

and easy DIY advent calendars if you want to get ahead of the game and save some pennies and get creative

Begin your foodbank advent calendar

Another thing we have done this week is to begin our foodbank advent calendar. if you don’t know what one is let me tell you all about it here. It is so so simple and can really  help people who need it this Christmas time,

Are you doing this? Do drop me a comment if you are I’d love to hear what foodstuffs you are collecting


Homemade veggie soups

I have been making a lot of soup recently – it is a great way to use up old veg and is a definite winter warmer. You can have look at a whole lot of vegetarian soup ideas over on my A Beautiful Space blog


thrifty friday



Wrapping up and walking

And last but not least I have been saving money this week by walking instead of driving. I know its cold but ist is good for me and as long as I wrap up warm and have a podcast then I’m good to go, saving money on parking and petrol


How’s your week been?

The Frugal Friday Linky

As always, we’d love you to join in with us by sharing anything you’ve done that’s been thrifty or frugal from your week – whether it’s an Instagram picture (#5frugalthings), a blog post or even a video.  Just add your link to the Frugal Friday linky at the bottom of this post.

Let your readers know that you’re linking up with the five frugal things linky by adding a little line to the bottom of your post like this one:

I’m linking up with this Cass Emma and Becky in this week’s ‘Frugal Friday’ linky.

I hope you enjoyed my thrifty Friday thinking post

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1 Comment

  1. November 8, 2019 / 13:31

    Hi Becky – Sorry to hear about the operation. Hope it’s nothing serious? Yes, I am getting prepped for Christmas. Thanks for the ideas. Got the food bank collection going too.

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