Thrifty lessons I have learned

Thrifty lessons I have learned

Thrifty lessons I have learned (this week!)

Here are the thrifty lessons I have learned this week. There is always something new to learn about being frugal I find. let me talk you through my week.

1. I flew to Glasgow last weekend to talk at the Glasgow wee write festival about my book Create Your Own Happy we had around 30 kids and their families attend our happiness workshop and they were just fabulous, we meditated, drew, shared compliments, did some breathing and generally had a good old giggle. It made me reconnect with the thoughts that kids do not need your money they need your time and attention in order to feel happy. ( Have a look here if you would like a chance to win Create Your own Happy)

2. Only the flight over I spent nothing. I have got into a habit with flights thinking I need to buy airline snacks and drinks and airports of thinking I do need more perfume. None of these things were necessary

3. My co-author Peny took a water bottle with her and filled it up wherever we could and sued that. So simple but not something I would have considered flying and travelling. I need to adopt this. I wrote a post last week about how we need to drink more water

4. I panicked a little about what to wear for this event. I often do panic about clothes before something new. I ended up not going into the city shopping the day before as my daughter was poorly and I needed to collect her form school. Poor baby. This did mean I just whizzed into Peacocks at the back of my local co-op and bought a bargain lovely bright blue top for a £5! So many compliments too!

5. In Glasgow we walked. Now I would have been tempted to grab a taxi as I am unfamiliar with the city and it was raining and I was stuffed with cold. But my friend is a walker and so walk we did. And I felt better – fresh air always helps colds and I saw a bit of the city and money wasn’t spent. All good!



So my thrifty thought for the week comes to this –  the thrifty lessons I have learned. There are frugal lessons to be learnt all the time and new ways to save – we just need to be alert to them and to take them on board if they work for us.  You might like a read of my post on five ideas to help you live a thriftier lifestyle

Did you learn any frugal lessons this week? 


The Frugal Things Linky

We would love you to join in with this linky  by sharing what frugal and thrifty things you’ve been up to this week.

Please could let your readers know that you’re linking up with us by adding a little line to the bottom of your post like this one:

I’m linking up with Cass Emma and Becky in this week’s ‘Five Fabulously Frugal things I’ve done this week linky.



I do hope you have enjoyed my post on thrifty lessons I have learned this week you might also like my post on what thrifty means

1 Comment

  1. March 8, 2019 / 22:31

    I think it’s great that you’ve found five thrifty things from one event. Walking is such a good idea for so many reasons 🙂

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