How’s your week been?
Has it been thrifty and frugal?
Mine hasn’t! My son is going on a school trip to Italy and oh the things we have had to buy!
However I have been trying to think thrifty where’re possible in my pursuit of buying him all he needs her are 5 thrifty things I have done
I have borrowed rather than bought where possible.
I have tried to find multi tasking products (e.g sun lotion that is also a mosquito repellent
I have downloaded free netflix movies for his journey
I have made him a HUGE pack up so he doesn’t have to spend much at service stations on the way
I have put money for each day in seperate envelopes to help him budget whilst he is away.
Here is to thrifty travelling!
As always, we’d love you to join in with us by sharing what frugal and thrifty things you’ve been up to this week – whether it’s an Instagram picture (#5frugalthings), a blog post or even a video. Just add your link to the linky at the bottom of this post.
You don’t have to share five things you’ve done, anything thrifty or frugal that you’ve been doing is perfect.
You’re more than welcome to copy and paste the badge above but it would be even better if you could let your readers know that you’re linking up with us by adding a little line to the bottom of your post like this one:
I’m linking up with this
and Becky
in this week’s ‘Five Fabulously Frugal things I’ve done this week’ linky.
Se you next week!
The separate envelopes for money is a great idea!
Nicked form cass!
Ooh I love these thrifty travel tips!
Thankyou so much
How exciting for him! I hope he has a great time. A big packed lunch for the journey is a great idea!
It’s enormous!
Separate money envelopes is a great idea – all too easy for kids to get carried away when left to their own devices!
Ive not had the cheapest week either, but its been lots of fun!!!
I am joining in!! I had quite a good money saving week 🙂
My kids are past the school trip stage but they always cost quite a bit. It annoyed me that they ‘needed’ things that would never be used again, like waterproof trousers. I don’t think they ever got used!