Take a look at my unisx gift list 8-12 if you are wondering what to get the 8-12 year olds in your life?
Here are some tip top ideas…..
Tetris Light
Oh my goodness I used to be such a massive tetris fan!
This light is super cool and can be barraged all sorts of ways as the brick blocks are loose and light on contact – so much fun! It comes with the seven individual lights and a main s adapter..what a cool and funky lamp!
Tertis light available from Maplin at £29.99
Spectrum ZX Sinclair Vega
The Sinclair ZX Spectrum Vega (£89), emulates the famous original Spectrum computer of which more than 5 million were sold in the 1980s. With the Vega get 1,000 retro games built-in, including games that were popular in the 1980s. It’s really simple to set up , you just need a TV. It is absolutely guaranteed to provide hours and hours of fun (great for the grown ups too..lots of nostalgia)
My daughter has been wanting a pair of Heelys forever and finally Santa may well be listening ! These brand new Heelys X2 Fresh Shoes and they have 2 wheels to help those who are just starting out and a waffle grip to help feet stay securely on the foloor when you aren’t skating. Aren’t they fabulous!
They cost £44.99 and they also also come in black and red)
How about this fabulous K’nex set. It includes 350+ Classic K’NEX parts plus a motor for action, will really help develop their building skills and lots of play scope once it has been built too. I love that the set can be built in 3 different ways really extending the play options
K’NEX Beasts Alive X-Flame Building Set £22.99
LEGO Creator Roaring Power 3-in-1 Boxset
I think toys that can be played with in more than one way are great value and this is why Lego creator always ticks my box as a gift idea. To get a plane car and dino out of one Lego set is pretty fabulous!
This set is at the online marketplace eBay from Argos at £19.95
Exploding booms kit
Budding scientist will love this exploding booms set from The Entertainer. It is packed with boom making experiments. It contains boom bags, rockets and baking powder for blowing up balloons and kids can also make a real, working volcano. £10.
So I am hoping my gift list for 8-12 year olds has given you a few good ideas. (personally I am loving ALL these ideas and would quite like them in my stocking this Christmas!)
Disclaimer: I have been sent some of the items to review.