What are the benefits of upcycling your furniture?

Instead of making that annual trip to buy some new furniture, why not give a new lease of life to something you’ve already got? With consumers in the UK spending almost £25 billion on furniture and furnishings last year alone, it’s time to take a proactive, sustainable approach to our home furnishing needs.

In this guide, we’ll outline some of the main benefits of upcycling the furniture you already own. Simply put, this means stripping it back and either repainting it or repurposing it, like turning a kitchen table into an authentic home office workspace.


benefits of upcycling your furniture


It’s the environmentally friendly option

By choosing to upcycle, you’ll certainly be doing more for the environment than you would if you bought new furniture.

Firstly, it reduces the overall amount of materials being thrown to landfill each year, in turn reducing the demand for newer, raw materials used in the production of new furniture. Both of these processes help to lower air and water pollution and reduce greenhouse gas emissions.


You could reduce your spending

When you upcycle your furniture, there’s an element of flexibility involved in the process. If you’d prefer to buy designer paints and use top-of-the-range equipment throughout your restoration, you could end up with a high-quality final piece.

However, if you’re eager to cut costs, it’s just as easy to upcycle on a budget. This could be a more sensible approach to help you be vigilant with your finances while embarking on your exciting project.

You’ll learn useful skills

By reviving the long-lost ‘Make Do and Mend’ mindset shared amongst our grandparents’ generation, you may learn a thing or two about craftsmanship. Some of the skills you could pick up (or even master) along the way might include:

  • Sanding
  • Painting and waxing
  • Using a hammer and nails
  • Creativity
  • Crafty repair skills
  • Promoting sustainability


It could be lucrative

If you find upcycling your furniture easier and much more enjoyable than you expected it to be, you could chase a new opportunity. Whether you start upcycling furniture for friends or open a new online store, there’s a steady market for repurposed, redecorated vintage furniture.

Even if you’re not prepared to refurbish your old furniture, you could still make a bit of extra cash by recycling it. Whether you sell yours through car boot sales or by advertising privately, you could still make a profit. Good luck!


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