Why Busy Mums Love the Internet

As regular readers will know I have two young children aged 6 and 9 an like all mums love the internet

My job as a writer enables me to take them to school and collect them each day. They are busy kids and more often than not our evenings  are full of friends coming to play, cubs, drama, tennis, swimming, homework, baking, crafting or just spending time together. My time with my kids is very important to me and I try not to fill it doing lots of jobs.



Why Busy Mums Love the Internet

Broadband Internet access  is probably one of the most important things we have in our home. It enables me to work from home for a start which means I can be on hand to pick up and take the kids to school and nip into school for assembly, sports days or meetings without any hassle. It also means that if my kids are off school sick I can continue to work whilst being around for them. Broadband access from home also gives me total flexibility around when I work, so if its an inset day I can be with kids and work early morning or late at night to catch up.

My children have far more of my prescence than they would have if we didn’t have internet access. It’s a necessity for my job.

In other ways too I find having internet access invaluable . The children use the internet to play games and entertain themselves, they look up facts for homework, even access school news via the internet.

I order my shopping online so we don’t waste precious play time all having to go to the supermarket either.

Internet access means they can skype with Great Grandma ,send a thank you email to Gran and  check out film trailers they might like to see on you tube. It opens up the world and brings those they love closer.

The internet is going to be a huge part of our children’s working future so having access at home means they can practice on it and get familiar with it in safe and controlled environments.

It is so valuable for us to have internet access.

Our broadband internet access is supplied by Virgin Media.






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