How would you like to win a copy of Gary Barlow’s new album ‘Since I Saw You Last” with a limited edition, collectible sleeve. Sounds fabulous doesn’t it? I do love Gary, handosme, smart, warm, funny, an amazing singer…sigh.
This giveaway and the inspired Meerket collaboration with Gary Barlow below is to celebrate the one year anniversary of compare the sponsoring Coronation Street.
Are you ready for this….
How to win
It is super easy to enter all you have to do is complete the rafflecopter below.
Ends Dec 2nd at midnight.
Wishing you lots of luck!
I love the take that song Let it Shine, it always reminds me of my honeymoon where I played it non stop!
Oh I would love to win a copy of this, he is so lovely and oh his songs….
If we talk about THE song of Gary Barlow…..for me it’s ‘Back for Good’
It doesn’t matter to me if I hear it with or without the boys 🙂
I haven’t heard the new album yet because it isn’t availble overhere, that’s why I’d love to win one, but I already love ‘Let me Go’ and ‘Face tot Face’
Oh and I really like his new song, let me go x
I love the song he wrote Sing and I love his voice in his new one since I saw you last! super super voice
rule the world take that
I agree his new song is fab xx
Rule the world!
would be rule the world
I love Back for Good!
The greatest day
Never Forget
Rule the world
I’d have to go a bit old-school and say A Million Love Songs!
I love Babe x
Been a fan since they very first started. I love all the songs, but i think the Flood is one of my favourites x
My wife would love this.
This one
The Flood
Do What You Like – i still like to do the dance moves 🙂
rule the world
Rule the world for me
Everything Changes!
Love rule the world
rule the world
Relight my fire
Back for Good 🙂
Old songs Never forget
New songs Rule the world
the flood
Everything Changes
Rule the world is a classic
Back for Good
Rule the World
A million love songs
back for good
Rule the World.
The flood
A Million Love Songs
Rule the World
Rule the World
Rule the world
Oh it has got to be ‘Never forget’
A Million Love Songs
The Flood is my favourite
Rule the world 🙂
Rule the world
Hold Up a Light
So difficult but I loved Pray so will say that xx
Back For Good
A Million Love Songs is my favourite Gary Barlow song.
rule the world
Never Forget!
rule the world
Eight letters is my favourite Take That song
Who would not want to have this in there collection he is great.
I love Gary’s latest song!
We lost twins a few years back and the hurt never goes. Just listen to his words and you’ll understand. Good for you Gary
Back for Good
rule the world
Greatest Day
A million love songs. Even the way hubby sings it I love!
Rule The World
I want you back
Rule the World
fav take that song sung by gary – million love songs
fav take that song – never forget
back for good
Shame with Robbie Williams
Never Forget
A Million Love SOngs
rule the world
Patience is my favourite
Back for Good
rule the world
I love “The Flood”
Patience is a great song!
I love Rule the World by Take That and am loving Let Me Go by Gary 🙂 x
A Million Love Songs
Rule The World
loved every single one growing up.. but his new song has really grown on me i love it 🙂
Just one? realy? too hard! impossible infact.. iv been a Thatter all my musical life! (21 years since i was 9years old!) .. Everything Changes is a Fave, as is Back for good, Never forget, Prey, Rule the World, SOS, Pretty Things, a Million Love songs, Garys Latest album is his Best solo Album yet! and i love smalltown girls and let me go.. If i realy realy Realy gotta pick one, i pick.. Patience, Because we were soooooooo darn patient waiting for the boys to get back together after breaking our teen hearts all them years ago 😉 xx
Got to say rule the world
A Millon Love Songs 🙂
Rule the World
rule the world take that
Never Forget 🙂
It has to be Rule the World!
Never forget 🙂
Has to be Patience, although I have all the original Take That CDs & all the new ones, so it is hard to choose!
A million love songs
Greatest Day is my favourite
A Million Love Songs
It Only Takes A Minute
Wait for Life- Take That
Rule the World is best
Take thats Babe
Rule The World Brill !!!
A million love songs
I love A million Love Songs
Never Forget!
Rule the World 😉
Greatest Day
Never Forget
Relight My Fire
Rule the world 🙂
rule the world x
Relight your fire
Back for good.
Rule The World
back for good
Back for good
rule the world
Rule The World methinks
I would be in my sister’s good books if I won this and it was her xmas present!
Rule The World – my wedding song
The Flood is my fave track
Rule The World
Greatest Day
A Million Love Songs
Has to be Rule the World… i love the film Stardust 🙂
Rule The World
never forget
Oooh either Pray or Back for good, can’t choose!
I love Never Forget
Never Forget
Back for Good
The Flood
This new song by Gary is definitely my favourite ever,it’s so jolly! 🙂
never forget
Back for Good
Rule The World – Take That
Never Forget
Rule the world
Love every single song, but Patience and Rule the World are my favourite TT songs, and Forever Love my favourite GB song. He’s fantastic!
Back for good!! 🙂
a million love songs (but love most of there songs)
Rule the world 🙂
rule the world
Rule the world!
Let me go
rule the world
Patience 🙂
Let Me Go
Back for good the are so good!!
rule the world
never forget
Rule the world
i do love his new one and back for good….i couldnt decide
Rule the World
Patience is my top one.
The Greatest Day
Never Forget
Favourite take that song is Greatest Day – although it’s hard to choose just one!
I love the new song ‘Let Me Go’. Love playing it out loud and dancing to it while doing cleaning or whatever
A million love songs
So many good songs but the greatest day is my favourite x
Never Forget!
At first I think, “Million Love Song”, then I remember “Pray”, and then I remember my Boy singing “Back for Good”, dressed as Gary Barlow, playing at “Stars in their Eyes
A Million Love Songs
My favourite is ‘the flood’
My mum would love this x
It has to be Patience. x
back for good
The Flood
his new one
Take That – The Flood
would like to win 🙂
Back For Good
Greatest Day but also agree Gary’s new single is great
ruke the world ♫ ♫ ♪
rule the world even stupid keyboard
Would love to win this album Thank you for the chance
Has to be A Million Love Songs
love rule the world, he is so talented though and not bad looking either!
I love patience!!
a million love songsssss x
Rule the world
I love them all, but A Million Love Songs stands out.
Rule the World
Thank you – Made my morning!