FlyTrap! Is a game for kids over 4 and can be played with 2 to 4 players. Thegoal of this brilliant and exciting game is to shoot as many flies into the FlyTrap’s open mouth as possible while other players push their pumps to close it and try to stop you from scoring. The FlyTrap whirls around juddering and shaking with its mouth opening and closing and it’s absolutely hilarious.
I played with my son who was awesome at shooting the flies in but I was totally rubbish!
I must get practising whilst he is asleep. This is silly fun, fast paced and one for all the family. A really feel good game and guess what……I have one to give away!! (with thanks to those lovely people who make FlyTrap at Esdevium Games )
How to Win
All you have to do in order to win this fabulous game (which make a perfect Christmas gift) is tell me what would you like to throw in the FlyTrap. I’d choose brussel sprouts!!!
Comp ends on Sept 7th, winner picked at random, Prize dispatched b Esdevium games. Only one entry per person please and Uk entries only due to postage. To have a second chance of winning simply follow @familybudgeting on Twitter and let me know in a seperate comment that you have.
Good luck!
Oo yes the brussel sprout for sure, but I’d also try to put an aubergine in there too
Following as @totallydot
I would throw mouldy oranges in there. I just went to eat one and was annoyed that they had grown fur coats when I wasn’t looking!
I follow @familybudgeting too :0) @PippaD
Rice Pudding!
i’d throw all my children’s tantrums in there, so no more whinging and whining all the time (you can tell it has been one of those days can’t you!) x
am VERY new to twitter but think i managed to retweet it – but computer playing up and i can’t see if i have managed to follow. twitter name is RebeccaBeesley
I would throw in Rubbish weather!
i follow on twitter as @ashlallan
Wasps or Russel Brand
I would throw broad beans , i have never liked them
Following on twitter as @alienbuffy
I would through in beetroot the worst thing I have ever tasted
A lettuce
Mobile phones
brocolli would be mine
coconut. to stop it hiding in biscuits and cakes
i would throw in the last uk budget
along with the chancellor
following as @stevejadams
following as @stevejadams
cheese and onion crisps – they stink and are the worst thing in the world LOL
Following on twitter – mirandaholman76
I’d throw in all the change I find in my husband’s pockets!
Following on Twitter @Isis1981uk
Horrible, nasty evil little wasps. I hate them. Absolutely petrified of the little critters:)
I would like to throw my diary in because it depresses me looking how busy I am!
I would put in some carrots 🙂
This question went to Jacob, answer “CUSTARD”, yuk!
I would throw the X-Factor in there. All of it! Every last ounce right down to Steve Brooksteins sweaty socks!
Following @Gands86
I would throw teeny tiny coffee cups into the Fly trap!!!!!
exccess packaging , i recently took delivery of 3 small items , each was packed in its own large cardboard box full of stuffing ,,, not the way to save the planet is it !
Following on twitter as @deefindlay1
to play with my kids
I would throw in Carrots
I would throw mosquito’s in there. Assuming you could throw mosquito’s .. I suspect it would be a bit more like ‘mosquito herding’.
Following on twitter as @boris3428
I’d like to put flys in it! They’re driving me mad at the moment, coming in the house because we have lots of windows open to enjoy the fresh air!
Following you on twitter! @WrightyH
i’d throw in all my bills for the year
Porridge. Can’t even sit in the same room as it. Ergh
Tweeted kohma10
i would throw in people who don’t pick up after their dogs!! drives me demented!!!
I’d choose my boss! lol x
My hubbies disgarded socks
Black Pudding I hate it
Alcohol – cannot stand it or others when they’ve had a few. 🙂
Following on twitter as @happyhomebird
My husbands feet, after a day at work, Crikey they whiff so bad, even the kids tell him to go and get them washed! Yuck! 🙂
following and have tweeted @mattalex2008
My boss
I would throw in runner beans and politicians, they could then all be ‘has beans!’
Oooo this game looks so much fun!! I’d like to throw commuting in there… get out of my way grumpy people, I want to get home and play!! x
Marmite, I’m a marmite hater lol x Although I do like the Marmite accessories…
I would throw in the holiday adverts .. don’t they now I am skint after Christmas !
katie price!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I would throw in flies!
Following as @andrealm78
id like jedward to be thrown in and munched up please 🙂
I would throw olives in there. Olives, olives and more olives.
big buzzy flies, our house is swarming. 🙁
I’d throw my husband’s World of Warcraft games, passwords AND his desire to play the game in there. He wastes so many hours playing it when he should be enjoying quality family time with us … doing things like playing board games!
Victoria Beckham – although that’s not much of a meal for the poor plant
following on twitter @Top_cat81
Califlower would be my choice!
I’d feed it a never-ending supply of negative people
All the cigarettes in the world
Following on Twitter @capodemonte
My son’s smelly socks!
Brussel Sprouts is a good idea but I’d have to choose Sweetcorn. eugggh so disgusting!!!
Politicians, bankers, bright orange breadcrumbs…not necessarily in that order!
broad beans would beet brussel sprouts hands down,
Mushrooms – I hate them!
Have followed on Twitter @zaphgb
Would the hoover fit?!
I would definetly choose broccoli.Once my son took a bite of a piece of broccoli at school and he said it tasted like it was full of slime.
I’d throw in all the negativity in the world, including anything racist or sexist! That way people would always be happy and be nice to everyone… 😀
i’d throw a football in, with the hope my other half would jump in after it.. lol
I was going to put wasps till I saw someone had chosen David Cameron, and that made me think of George Osborne.
My partners PS3 remote to stop him constantly playing on it!
I would throw in wasps, spiders and rude people!
I’d also go for brussel sprouts, can’t stand them!
I would throw in * stupid people * theres nothing more annoying than people with no common sense , can u tell ive had a bad day ? hehe ! my son would love this !
definitely Brussels Sprouts -they are the devils food.
Celery yuk!
I’d throw in annoying advert jingles that get stuck in your head – forcing you to hum them all day until another one takes its place grrr
following @lastkiss5 🙂
I would throw in Mozzarella cheese, can’t see the point of it, it has no taste.
I’d like to throw chocolate coins in.
Iwould thought in mint sauce i cant stand the smell
I would try to throw in my 5 year old sons harmonica (because its driving me slightly insane!)
Plants vs zombies app on iphone music drives me insane and hubby and son love the silly game
Cheese — Yellow and Smelly
I’d throw in tissues so they couldn’t hide in pockets until they get inside the washing machine, at which point they reappear as sticky white bits all over my clothes!
also following on twitter @piperanddaisy
I would like to throw my tonsils in the fly trap, i had them removed last week and the pain keeps reminding meof the horrible little blighters!!!
I would have to put chocolate in the Venus Fly Trap because I am dieting at the moment, and have been really successful but am finding it increasingly difficult to resist chocolate!
I follow @familybudgeting on Twitter as @solarsangel x
chavs. Every last one of them.
id throw in all the peices of lego i stood on with my bare feet this week! good riddance!
im following on twitter
David Cameron!
I would throw all the house spiders in there! I hate them!
I would throw all my spiders in there x at least they would have something to eat with all the flys 😉 x
i would throw in my ex wife if shed fit lol
I would throw Danica from Big Brother in the flytrap 🙂
I am following as @webkinny
dirty washing 🙂
I would chuck our credit card bill into it!
I would throw in oysters (yuck) – I love sprouts throw them at me please xxx
Id throw in the lego bricks im always standing on!
Following on twitter as @freyamae1
all my monthly bills they would fill it up for ages
following @familybudgeting on Twitter
id chuck in neighbours from hell
Lobsters! Horrid scary things. And wasps
I was going to say spiders, but I wouldn’t be able to pick them up to throw them in, so it’ll have to be my second most hated thing in the world – marzipan – it smells and tastes disgusting.
I’m following you on Twitter as @jjuli2
I would throw all the odd lego bits I keep finding around the house
After reading everyones comments of how they would ike to throw brussel sprouts, broccoli and lots of other smelly things into the mouth, I can not help feeling at ill at the thought of a disgusting smell. I love the smell of mint so I thing I would throw a packet of mints or chewing gum in to the mouth. Hopefully this will take away some of the disgusting smells everyone else as mentioned.
I would throw in my OHs socks! Might kill off the fly trap though 😀
Spiders and flying bugs!! Eeew
following @astrongcoffee1
I’d throw in that huge spider that is lurking in my bathroom upstairs (as long as I didn’t have to touch it!!)
liver yuk
I’d have to go for the classic, spiders. Really not happy with them and can’t go into a room if I’ve seen one in there (such a girl!)
Jelly Fish! Can’t stand them.
I would throw in coriander eeeeuuuuwww!!
I’d throw wasps in there, as I hate the way they sting you for no real reason! 🙂
Just starting back at my second year of uni, so i’m thinking most definately my assisgnment handbook ! What better excuse than ‘a fly trap ate my homework’ 😀
I would throw in cheese balls
I am following on Twitter
toenail clippings!!! YUKKY!!
I would throw rude people in there!
I would throw peanuts in there
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I would throw in my neighbour’s saxophone……… him too if he keeps playing badly late at night x