I love winter shoes
Every winter the first thing I do is kit my kids out in slippers. I’m certain that just like wearing a hat outside when it is cold , wearing slippers indoors saves lots of heat loss.
As with all the sensible stuff I do with my kids e.g lots of exercise. ensuring they get their five a day, popping on a vest when it’s chilly I do tend to be a bit rubbish at looking after myself quite so well!
This year however I am engaged in my well being project which entails looking after myself.
I often sit working and cold during the day because with the kids out I don’t want to heat the whole house when I am using just my little office space. I think to put an extra jumper on but I never really think to pop on slippers. needless to say this year I am in the market for some slippers.
Over at Lotus I have seen these rather gorgeous felt slippers
Aren’t they colourful and cute. I am very tempted.
I also saw these I rather like for my other half (he always wants to just put the heating on)
They are Earl Grey coloured (how posh is that!)
I think investing in a pair of slippers is just as important as gloves hats and scarves for the winter months and can actually be a way to save money.
A complete aside to winter shoes
It’s just rude not to have a peek at party shoes when you are perusing a shoe site don’t you think . I love the colour of these party shoes
and these are rather funky too
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