51 Fabulous Things to Do on Long Car Rides

Are you looking for things to do on long car rides? Especially if you have kids these can seem rather daunting, can’t they? But never fear I have been scouting my friends for top tips and racking my brains and I think we have come up a with a great list here for you.

Are you ready?


51 Things to Do on Long Car Rides


Things to do on long car rides


  1. Check your insurance is in order before you go. If its a car hired just for this trip you might need to purchase monthly car insurance
  2. Check MOT is in date
  3. Ensure you have road side assistance for your car 
  4. Check tyre pressure
  5.  Check oil
  6. Check water
  7. Ensure lights all work
  8. Take de-icer
  9. Fill up with petrol before you go
  10. Make sure windscreen and mirrors are clean
  11. Check car is tidy and smells clean fresh before heading off
  12. Everyone go to the bathroom before heading out
  13. Everyone stretch their legs before heading off
  14. Take a sick bag and change of clothes plus wipes and keep all together for easy access
  15. Minimize stops. Every time we stop for something it seems to add an extra 30 minutes to the drive. And, when you stop take care of everything at once (bathroom, gas, food, drinks.)
  16. Travel at night or early morning so kids sleep some of the journey
  17. If you are the driver make sure you have a had a good rest before driving!
  18. Take sleep masks and noise cancelling headphones in case anyone wants to zone out
  19. Make sure everyone is dressed really comfortable
  20. Make sure everyone has easy to slip on shoes they can take off in the car
  21. Create an excellent car journey playlist with something for everyone
  22. Pop a couple of blankets in the back
  23. Ensure kids devices are full of battery
  24. Ensure kids devises have right headphones
  25. Ensure devices have movies, stories and songs downloaded onto them
  26. Cloud spotting.
  27. Count colour cars.
  28. Eye spy
  29. A-Z game (names, countries, foods etc)
  30. Encourage the kids to take photos with their devices while you’re driving! Gets their heads out of screens and make them take in their surroundings. Also, means they can show you stuff when you’re parked that you didn’t get to see
  31. Make some over due phone calls from the car
  32. If you have 3 in the back get them to switch seats every now and gain to mix up their view
  33. Make a word from the letters of the car reg plate in front of you (great if you are stuck in a traffic jam) 
  34. Stock up on books and magazines (but don’t let kids who get travel sick read)
  35. Take a battery pack with you with the right connectors
  36. Take extra bottled water 
  37.  Do car karaoke
  38. Take the opportunity to introduce the kids to some musical classics from your teens
  39. Play a wide genre of tunes and introduce them to something new
  40. Have an audio book on you all listen to and pause after each chapter to discuss it.
  41. Stop and stretch your legs
  42. If the driver is at all tired – stop and refresh – one of the most important things to do on long car rides
  43. Plot a few good places to stop along the way that everyone is looking forward too
  44. Plot a surprise to keep everyone on their toes
  45. Don’t just eat snacks, do have a proper lunch /meal but do remember food can make you sleepy so keep it light
  46. If the driver is too tired find a motel
  47. Take a rubbish bag for the car and insist everyone uses it or your car will be trashed
  48. Pack a notepad for games like hangman or noughts and crosses or just in case you are feeling creative and want to draw or write a poem (you never know..Jack Kerouac got the inspiration for  ‘On the Road’  from somewhere)
  49. Start a foreign language course
  50. Have good old trip down memory lane and remember all the happy journeys you have taken before 
  51. Read up on where you’re going




Over to you  – Things to Do on Long Car Rides

I hope you have enjoyed these ideas for Things to Do on Long Car Rides – do you have any to add, If you do please drop me a comment below with your suggestions



51 Fabulous Things to Do on Long Car Rides is a collaborative post 


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