Cryptocurrencies have taken the world by storm. As more and more people invest in them, the value of these digital assets continues to rise. This has led to a new form of investment called crypto trading. Crypto trading is the buying and selling of cryptocurrencies to make a profit.
However, this type of investment comes with its own set of risks. This blog post will discuss some of the risks associated with crypto trading and how you can reduce them.
Let’s take a look at these risks.
High Volatility
Cryptocurrencies have a high degree of volatility, and this means that the prices can change dramatically, going up or down by as much as 20%+ in a day. Remember, on traditional markets where there is a lot of liquidity and market depth; large price swings are unlikely to happen unless something really big happens (like China imposing trade sanctions on the US).
The low liquidity and lack of market depth make it easy for those with bigger pockets to control the price action in the crypto world. If you want to trade with the least chances of risk, then you should pick a Bitcoin Loophole website for it.
Unlike fiat currency and other investment vehicles such as stocks, commodities, etc., cryptocurrencies are yet to be regulated by government financial authorities across many countries. While this does give investors greater freedom, it also comes with an added level of risk because there are no laws to help resolve disputes.
Regular investment vehicles have laws protecting both the investor and the company that issues the stock or commodity, but cryptocurrencies do not fall under this umbrella.
Market risks
Cryptocurrencies are very volatile, and the prices can shift drastically within a short timeframe. Although this doesn’t happen often, it is important to be aware of sudden market changes if you want to exit or enter your position.
Understand the Reward/Risk ratio
BTC has a 5:1 risk to reward ratio for day trading, and ETH has a 10:1 risk to reward ratio. Day trading is highly risky and should be avoided by anyone who doesn’t have nerves of steel.
Swing trading generally provides a better return on investment than day trading while being less risky. Still, it carries risks because markets tend to move in waves or cycles rather than continuously up or down.
Cyber risks
Anyone who’s used cryptocurrencies or knows how they work is aware of the risks involved in storing private keys. Wallets can sometimes get hacked; personal computers can be infected with viruses that seek out and steal cryptocurrency; even hardware wallets become vulnerable when users fail to back up their recovery phrase.
But “cyber risks” encompass much more than just these basic issues: the term also encompasses the risk of losing funds by sending them to an incorrect address, phishing scams; social engineering; man-in-the-middle attacks wherein attackers intercept data between two parties and pretend it’s still going through when it’s headed for them; and a host of other non-technical issues that can cause people to lose cryptocurrencies.
The Bottom Line
Cryptocurrencies are becoming more and more popular, but the market is still young, uncertain, and very volatile. Much of the risk associated with cryptocurrencies comes from their newness. While there are some obvious risks, you should be aware of when trading cryptocurrencies, once you enter this exciting new world, it quickly becomes apparent that there are many other risks associated with trading in cryptocurrencies.
Crypto Trading Risks is a featured post