Earning money from home as a full time parent

Today – Earning money from home as a full time parent

For many reasons parents want to and/or need to stay home with their little ones and are therefore taken out of work and suddenly have to deal with a new and potentially much lower budget on which to live. For this reason more and more mums (and dads) are turning to the internet to try and earn a little extra pocket money- and perhaps to keep their skills up to date. With many opportunities out there, finding a part-time job is quick and easy- here are a few options.

Earning money from home as a full time parent


Earning money from home as a full time parent – how to go about it


Where to look

Before you put yourself out there, it is important for you to know where and how to find the best part time position for you, your current situation, and your children. It’s useful to look online for tips and advice as there is a full community of people out there who may be able to help you. Checking more professional sites like the Jobrapido blog is also a nice idea to keep up with current trends and to find advice on starting your own business. Simple and reliable, looking online will make the search easier, and more fun too!



Starting a freelance career can be one of the smartest and most rewarding positions you can sign up for. When you freelance you have many advantages, one of the best being that you can do it anywhere! Becoming a freelance writer, which usually involves article writing and respecting deadlines, means all you have to do is pick a time and place and write. Not only does it pay based on the length of the articles, but it also doesn’t take too much time away from your kids and can even be done on your way to work. You’re unlikely to earn a fortune freelance writing, but it’s certainly an idea to keep in mind if you’re looking for a way to make a few quid doing something you enjoy.




You know that one (or more) passion that you have that you could talk about endlessly? Starting a blog is your chance to get your thoughts out there and share them with a community that also enjoys the same passion. Whether it be cooking, baking, painting, or even motherhood, blogging is a great way to earn a little extra while being a full time parent. As you keep writing and your popularity grows, companies and businesses will start noticing your blog and will ask you to promote and review their products, paying you for the service! It will take some time to build up a strong following, and you’ll have to put the work in to keep it up to date if you want to make money regularly.


Sell your homemade crafts

I’m sure that even though your full time parent position takes away a great amount of your time, many of you probably have that one thing you love making. Whether it be ceramics, artworks, jewellery, and anything else, you can now sell it online! Many sites offer the service of giving you the platform to share your creations on and sell them to clients through the same platform. Not only is it a fun and creative way of earning money, but it also gives you the opportunity of including your kids in the creation too. If you’re not particularly confident in your artistic skills, selling clothes or other unwanted items is also a quick was to make a little bit of money.



Nowadays, most of our phones have a camera on them too, and sometimes one that takes brilliant photos. So what better way than making the extra cash by uploading the photos on stock websites! If you also have a professional camera, booking gigs to photograph events is also a big option. All you need to do is get a portfolio together of your best shots, and upload it on a personal website for all to see, and hire you for their next party!


One of the many skills you learn if you didn’t have it already is managing finances, time and small people. Don’t put too much pressure on yourself, give yourself time for you and take the job for what it is- an extra pastime that pays you to do it!


Earning money from home as a full time parent is written in  collaboration with Emily Jones




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