Financially fit for retiring

Today – Financially fit for retiring

By the time I retire I would like to be in the following position financially fit for retiring.

I would like us to have paid off our mortgage completely. I would like us to have given both kids the opportunity to travel the world, have a college education with no debts and to both be given a deposit for a home .

I was born in a family that had a low income and always rented. Luckily for me my 7 years at University were fully funded by the government and I left with just a minimal overdraft. Luckily for me an amazing friend paid the deposit on my first home .

Financially fit for retiring

Luckily for me.

I don’t  want my kids to have to rely on luck or a better government than we have now. I want to know I can help them and give them a great start. I fully expect them to work hard too but not too hard. I want them to have fun whilst they are young and not be worn down paying their way.

I also don’t want my kids to feel they have to support us in our old age or that we can’t treat our grandchildren. I want us  to go on brilliant holidays and make the most of our non-working life. So I want us to have good annuities that provide us with a good income through out hopefully long retirement.


Financially fit for retiring

Shopping around for the right annuity provider is a good step towards this goal when the time comes. For now keeping fit and healthy, sorting out my too big BMI ! is really important as they impact our annuities. I better finish those Easter Eggs need off quick!

I know my plans are ambitious so what I need to work on now is a plan to make them happen!




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