Portion sizes and food waste

Portion sizes and food waste really do go hand in hand.

In the UK it is estimated that we throw away about £50 worth of food a  month per family that is wasted. What a shame and what a waste of money. But there is another food waste too. Food that gets cooked and goes uneaten, an almost daily occurrence in my house, is this because I am rubbish cook. Well, not only that! I seem to be getting my portion sizes all wrong. Portion sizes and food waste clearly impact each other.

Portion sizes and food waste

Portion sizes and food waste

Change 4 life

Is a brilliant family health website that gives top healthy tips and they have some good advice around portion size. In a nutshell, they say

  • Look at a child’s fist it’s far smaller than yours isn’t it? Well, the same goes for their stomachs. Consider this when you dish out their food.
  • Most foods are made for adults so don’t think they need it all, save some for later or divide it out (I’m thinking crisps!)
  • Don’t nag a child to clean their plate if they don’t want or need it you have probably given them too much or they have snacked too much beforehand.
  • Bigger portions don’t make your child grow it simply ends up as stored fat,
  • Remember they can always have seconds
  • and remember too often leftover food can be frozen for another day which saves money too,

Me-sized meals is a great idea to aim for. I have to say I don’t think this would do me any harm to bear in mind for myself, not just the kids. I really should not be eating the same as my 8 inches taller husband!

Smaller plates can be useful here as we often like a plate to look full and filling a smaller plate will keep that visual without overdoing the amount,


The Meal Portions Challenge

Try this little quiz to see how well you are doing iwth portion size (from weight wise – the next generation)

When eating a meal do you:

Cover at least 1/3 of your plate with vegetables?

If you can answer yes to this well done so far, you’re on the right track.

Know when you have had enough to eat at mealtimes?

Knowing when your body has had enough to eat is an important part of getting the balance right.

Feel uncomfortably full after a meal?

If you do, and you’re not ill, it probably means you are eating too much or your portion sizes are too big.


Portion sizes and food waste and Heath

Portions sizes and food waste go hand in hand and so do portion sizes and health and wellbeing. We need to keep this in mind  next time we are serving up food. Quality and not quantity. Studies indicate that when given food in larger containers, people will consume more so the chance are by serving up too much we are much more likely to be overweight than if we were serving smaller pretions.

So  smaller portions give you  more money and better health and it is all in your control. Portion sizes and food waste can be adjusted as of your next meal. Simple.

If you found this post on Portion sizes and food waste useful you may also enjoy food storage tips for families on a budget


Look for cheap, healthy superfoods, including acai, online.


Portion sizes and food waste is a collaborative post





  1. Jackie Borland
    May 24, 2012 / 11:08

    I always make too much and freeze one half. I also take smaller portions to work for lunch. This saves time and money!

  2. Corinne Fisher
    May 24, 2012 / 20:40

    Having been a small family for quite some time, just me and my son since he was 2, I have learnt how to economise with food. I still cook regular sized meals, ie for a family of 4, but split this in 2 and freeze one portion for another day. Great way to make sure food isn’t wasted and even better when you know you are going to have a really busy day and no time to cook a proper meal, just take one out the freezer and defrost it.

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