Unusual Gifts from Uncommon Goods

When it comes to buying gifts I always think it is nice to try and find something a little bit quirky or unusual. Not something found in every store. Uncommon Goods is a store that delivers exactly what it say it does, uncommon goods that make you go wow.

I want to show you a few of my favourites from this lovely store.

Uncommon Goods

Uncommon Goods birthday gifts range is really special.

How gorgeous are these and what a lovely and quirky birthday gift they would make! These are birthstone wishing balls hand-blown glass balls containing 52 tiny slips of paper. the idea is throughout the year you write a wish or a hope or a gratitude on each one and place them curled up inside the ball.

If you take a look here at the anniversary gifts section you will find some lovely ideas. Uniquely romantic. I am rather in love with this personalised hearts four across game. Isn’t it sweet.

The third item I wanted to show you ins this stunning handmade birchwood pendulum clock. its seriously stylish and functional art and I just adore it! It even swings if you give it a little push. This can be found in Home Decor in the Uncommon Goods website

There really are so many unusual,  beautiful, fun and stylish gift ideas to explore you really must take a look.

Ethical shopping

Uncommon Goods prides itself on its ethic towards its staff and towards animal, fair wages and health care for all its staff and no leather or fur is sold instore.

This is my kind of shop!



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