Seeking out the services of a professional care provider can seem as though it is a monumental step. It is, for some, the first concrete acknowledgement that their loved one cannot be cared for within the family set-up any longer, something that often comes with a degree of emotional baggage. There again, it can also be something that seems momentous because it will take a significant adjustment in the household finances. On the other hand, some people worry that they are acting too early and, by doing so, somehow removing the personal decision-making or agency from the person who is to be cared for.
Generally speaking, seeking nursing home care which will mean a big change to the lifestyle of the loved one concerned tends to feel the most momentous. As such, it is understandable why so many people want to put it off, not think about it or even deny that there is a care need that is going unfulfilled. This is common. And yet, there are alternatives to such drastic measures including the provision of in-home or outreach care services that tend to be more viable the earlier they are sought out.
As such, there is no particular ‘right time’ to explore all of the care provision avenues. The time to do it is whenever you and your loved one are ready and, in most cases, this means sooner rather than later. After all, a relatively minor intervention in the care needs of a loved one today could mean that a more traumatic one with more significant lifestyle changes down the line can be put off or avoided completely.
In some cases, seeking in-home care will be a temporary measure. Perhaps your loved one has undergone an operation, suffered from an injury or developed an illness that means they can’t do what they used to. If so, some temporary visiting care for a few months may be all they need until they can achieve full independence once more. There again, you might be the main carer for your loved one and simply need a break. As such, seeking out respite care services from an approved provider would be a good idea. Not only will it mean being able to recharge your batteries but it will also often result in better care when you return, as well.
Nevertheless, much of the adult care that is offered in the UK today is for older people. Therefore, a typical in-home care plan will involve an older person who needs support that will often be ongoing. The usual pattern with geriatric and dementia care is that it will need to be updated as time goes by and further care requirements need to be added to the plan. Such a person-centred approach is what professional care providers should offer with in-home elderly care provision nowadays, according to Anglian Care. Care providers should constantly monitor care plans to make sure they are appropriate to individual needs as this is considered best practice within the industry.
Consequently, many elderly care recipients find it easier to adjust to in-home care services when they are a bit younger. If they only require one or two visits a week from a care assistant, for example, then it can be easier to get used to the idea. Frequently, elderly care recipients report that the human contact they receive helps to maintain a positive outlook and stave off loneliness. As they age or their condition deteriorates, it tends to be easier for care recipients to adjust to more services being added to their care plan, especially if they are already used to the care workers who come to their homes.
In other words, when it comes to in-home care services, it really is never too early to take the plunge and find out what is on offer. Yes, much of the in-home care provision that is delivered in the country is privately funded but for people with limited savings and assets, local authority funding may be available to pay for in-home care visits from professionals.
Why delay until there is a crisis moment or care needs become so high that in-home care is no longer an option and nursing home care has become the only viable way to proceed? After all, finding out how your loved one might benefit from in-home care and what they might be entitled to in terms of funding doesn’t mean you have to make any changes until you are ready to do so.