Winter makes me want to eat heavy sponge treacle puddings with custard, lots of Yorkshire puddings and creamy mash. Winter makes me want to snuggle up with creamy hot chocolates with a flake in. Christmas brings boxes of biscuits, big dinners and a fair slug of Baileys. My waistline does do so well in the winter how about yours?
It isn’t a great idea to throw healthy eating out the window in winter though because salads and sunlight do make us feel good an both are in short supply in the winter. We really need to try a bit harder to eat healthily in the colder months in order to ward off those winter blues and keep ourselves from feeling sluggish.
Here are some of my top tips.
1. Have a look at the change 4 life website it is packed with healthy eating and fitness tips and could be a really good source of inspiration.
2. Learn to make soup…soup is great way of using up leftovers, can be batch cooked and can be a really healthy option. Have a look online for some low fat soup recipes and give them a go. Here are some lovely recipes from the BBC Good Food website
3. Make sure you still get your 5 a day. I know this may seem easier if you are eating salad greens and why not make 2 portions of veg with your dinner instead of one to compensate.
4. Fruit is still really important in the winter though not so readily available or such great quality. Make sure you get enough though consider buying frozen fruit or cereals with freeze dried pieces. Freeze dried fruit could also be used in your baking. This can be a really healthy option. Have a look here for more info on the process of freeze-drying
5. Don’t buy lots and lots of Christmas treats (you will only eat them) just buy 1 or 2 things you will really enjoy and make them special treats rather than an overindulgent splurge.
6. Porridge is a great idea for breakfast it fills you up and keeps you warm and it has a slow energy release which means you should feel full all morning.
7. If you are cold consider a brisk walk, an extra jumper or a hot water bottle before you automatically reach for the biscuit tin. It is easier to think you are hungry rather than chilly.
8. Hot chocolate is one of life’s lovely treats but consider a lo cal version made with hot water ( I like the Options ones) and save the super creamy flake hot chocolate for only very special occasions.
9. Vegetable based slow cooker foods not only fill your house with lovely aromas they are also extremely good for you and filling. Brush up your veggie curry chilli and casserole skills and fill yourself up on the good stuff.
10. Wearing huge jumpers and leggings may be the comfy way to see in winter but honestly it is also a really good way to hide the over indulgence. Once in a while pop on your skinny jeans and just keep an eye on the winter weight gain!
Hope these healthy winter tips help!
Eating well is important at all times but many people disregard this while on holiday. Treating yourself is an enjoyable part of your meal but you don’t have to reach for the dessert menu with every meal.