Food shopping Savings Tips plus Cheese Straws Jamie Oliver Recipe

today – Food shopping Savings Tips plus Cheese Straws Jamie Oliver Recipe

So this week I have been making the Cheese Straws Jamie Oliver recipe (my new fave thing)  AND addressing how much we have been spending on food this week. I have had to do this  because our food shop has crept up to over £100 every week.

I have a 5 point plan to address this but would totally love your input here


5 food shopping savings tips

1) I have been making us all packs ups

2) I have been using leftovers

3) I have been looking at recipes to use up the copious amounts of tins of various beans in my cupboards

4) I shopped at Aldi rather than Tesco and plan to do this regularly

5) I planned a week of meals to try and avoid waste


food shopping savings tips, Cheese Straws Jamie Oliver Recipe


Meal plan (including Cheese Straws Jamie Oliver Recipe)

Sun  – Bean stew plus Cheese straws jamie Oliver recipe

Mon – Baked potatoes cheese and beans

Tues -Vegetable lasagne and peas

Weds – Quorn sausages  mashed potatoes and veg

Thurs – Veggie fajitas and salad

Fri  – Quorn cottage pie

Sat – Feta salad and sweet potato fries


OOh and somewhere along the week I am going to try and fit in my new favourite recipes ( so much cheaper than buying these from the shop)  Do you meal plan – there are just so many pros to meal planning I get so orss with myself when I don’t and end up throwing food out.


Further reading on money saving meal times

You might like to check out my post on how to save money on family meals for more hints and tips You could always try growing your own potatoes too?


Cheese Straws Jamie Oliver Recipe

To have a go at recreating cheese straws Jamie Oliver recipe simply follow ths recipe here in his magazine.

I do have to warn you though cheese straws Jamie Oliver recipe style are VERY addictive.

I am SURE my food bills will be reduced if I continue with these good habits? How do you save on food? I have more food saving tips here.


The Fabulously Frugal Things I’ve Done This Week Linky rules:

We’d love you to join in with us by sharing what frugal and thrifty things you’ve been up to this week – whether it’s an Instagram picture (#5frugalthings), a blog post or even a video. Just add your link to the linky at the bottom of this post.

You don’t have to share five things you’ve done, anything thrifty or frugal that you’ve been doing is perfect.

We’d like to make this a great little community linky so it would be brilliant if you could comment on a couple of the other blog posts linked up. We’ll make sure that we comment on all posts and if you have a Pinterest friendly image then we’ll Pin your post to one of our boards too.



How to say I can't afforfd that

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I’m linking up with Cass  Emma and Becky in this week’s Five Fabulously Frugal things I’ve done this week linky.

Let me know if you have a go at the chesse straws Jamie Oliver recipe



  1. October 5, 2018 / 10:38

    I think you are well on the way to saving money with the list here. I have saved quite a bit in the last 3 weeks by not going food shopping. Like you, we have loads of tinned stuff at home and we are also reaping the last of what we planted this year. This makes for some really interesting menus too. I used to love taking my own leftovers for munch too. Well done, you.

  2. October 5, 2018 / 11:51

    Do share any good recipes you find for beans! I too have a cupboard full of various varieties although most often just use kidney beans for chilli and chick peas for curries.

  3. October 5, 2018 / 13:23

    It sounds like you have it covered! Batch cooking is good. Saves time and money!

  4. October 6, 2018 / 09:38

    Everyone must follow this tips to save on food shopping. And i hope you will share some more recipes in coming posts.

  5. October 11, 2018 / 11:52

    Ooh, how do you make your veggie lasagne?

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