
Matchmaking is such great fun, isn’t it? Putting together two people you think will really enhance each other’s lives can be one of the most amazing things you can ever do for them. Just think their ensuing romance may lead to marriage and children and growing old together and you will have been an absolutely instrumental part in making it happen.

It is not a role to take lightly!

Except it can be, sometimes.

After all, what’s the harm in matchmaking a couple who MAY just get on just to see how it goes. I guess there are all sorts of dates aren’t there…dates for fun…dates for exploration and dates that may lead to that often elusive true love.





Matchmaking fails!

Has anyone ever match made on your behalf?  Do leave me your story in comments below if they had  I love to hear dating stories good or bad!

One of my best friends did for me once and honestly I absolutely have no clue what she was thinking. It was a complete and utter disaster and he was snobby, pompous and rude. She thought I’d like him because we were a similar height and he liked movies too! What absolutely rubbish credentials for getting two people together – I mean really!



Dating Online

These days lots of people date online which is probably a much smarter move than relying on a best friend like mine to do some matchmaking! There are some great dating sites where you can decide for yourself if you match meets your criteria and can tell them all about you too before you actually meet. Sounds a lot more sense to me.  Sites like WeLoveDates are just fantastic for people looking for a good match – not only do they have free dating sites allover the UK they also cater for all niches…brunette dating, Jewish dating, gay dating to touch on just a few.  I wish they have been around when I was younger, I could have told my friend to get lost with her rubbish advice and simply sorted myself out couldn’t I!

Have you any online dating experience. I am sorry to say I never got to try this as I have been married a long time! Pre-internet dating that’s for sure. I do think it would have been all kinds of fun though.


First dates

My first date with my OH was a bit of a set up with my friend and her hubby so I always consider our second date out first proper date. We were ever so poor at the time so we simply walked down the river and feed the ducks then sat and watched some fireworks overhead. It was absolutely lovely and very romantic. Sometimes the simple things really are the best, aren’t they?

I love to watch First Dates on the TV,  have you ever seen it? There is something so magic about two people discovering they just absolutely adore each other isn’t there and then if it doesn’t work out well you have to admit it really can be quite amusing (later!)


My matchmaking USP

If I were to be a matchmaker I would need to do something to stand out!  I think I would like to be a design a date matchmaker and decide where people should actually go and what they should actually do on their first dates.

I think a first date potentially can make or break a whole relationship and at the very least it needs to be special enough to be stored away

Create a date ideas

So, for example, if I had two people who were sensitive and romantic I may possibly send them to the ballet then on for a French meal. If I had two outdoors lovers I might designate their date a bike ride followed by a picnic by the river watching the boats go by. For socialble types who like a natter, I would perhaps arrange they go to a pub quiz or for a cultured twosome perhaps a rather highbrow play followed by an Italian meal where they could talk it through. Oh, I could dream up a million fabulous date ideas for couples based on their profiling. How lovely that would be – it would be fun for me and take away all the tricky decision making for them too. I think it is a most excellent idea. Would you try out my Matchmaking create a dating academy?

This could be a whole new career for me.



collaborative post 






  1. June 10, 2019 / 07:25

    So many great tips! Definitely checking these out! Thanks for the tips!

  2. June 13, 2019 / 20:14

    What wonderful ideas you’ve shared.

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