Reasons to Upgrade to Better Carrier Bags

If your industry is retail, you use grocery bags, it’s just what you do. There is no way around it, unless you want your customers to bring their own bags, which is a practice that some stores employ. There are many reasons for which you would want to upgrade the bags you have. For one, a higher quality bag will bolster the customer image of your establishment. The idea here is to let your customers know that you care for them, even after they leave the store. That beingsaid, the search for brown carrier bags like those offered by in particular, is a noble one.


What’s in a Bag?

Carrier bags have more benefits than you might realize, including branding possibilities, which we will get to later. If you take a look at the bags that we have to offer, you will notice that we provide brown paper carrier bags with twisted handles that are unique to the United Kingdom. First of all, due to the wave of environmental consciousness, more and more companies have started using recycled materials and we are right behind you on that. These bags are comprised of 100% recyclable brown Kraft paper with a rating of 120 GSM. We also recognize that eco-friendly bags do not have to be ugly. These are great looking, and they are also turnover top folded. The handles are reinforced on both sides, meaning they aren’t going to break away from the bag as many other carrier bags tend to do. Not only is the bag extremely strong, it is also quite economical for your store as the bags are some of the cheapest on the market, at least in price.

Why should you upgrade your Bags?

If you take a look at our website you will notice that there are many different styles and colors, including our ever popular striped bag option which is great for the more stylish of boutiques. The strength of these bags is not to be denied, and in any store, strength is going to be a must. Your customers need to be able to carry their purchases to their vehicle without a problem, but what if you are part of a shopping center? There is a good chance that your customers are going to be carrying those bags around for a good amount of time, and the last thing you want is for them to be dropped. You see, no matter how good your product happens to be, if your customer has a bad experience after they leave your store, especially if it involves the bags that you provide, there is a good chance that they will blame you, and if your bags are not up to the standard, then they have every right to. It might be a hard pill to swallow, but there areso many reasons to upgrade to high quality bags, especially carrier bags. It’s all about the convenience and catering to your customers before, during, and after their shopping trip.

Branding your Bags

Shopping bags of this nature can be branded to match your store, and this is a great way to spread word of your company far and wide. You can e-mail a high resolution image of your brand, which can be added to each bag again and again. This is a great way to spread the word of your company while giving your customers a better way to transport their goods. Remember, these are carrier bags – they’ll be moving around quite a bit.

Reusable Potential

The use of plastic bags has gone up quite a bit in recent times, especially in the UK. This has created a bit of a pollution nightmare. While most bags are intended to be recycled, this does not always happen, and with that being the case, they end up in landfills where they are incinerated, polluting the air supply as well as the water supply. This is a serious problem, and it has even caused fines to be imposed on businesses so as to reduce pollution. These paper bags are more durable and therefor they have more potential to be reused. That being the case, you should definitely consider issuing them to your customers. IF you wish, you could even sell them individually to turn a profit in addition to encouraging your customers to start bringing their own bags for the products.

The bags you choose for your company say a lot about you, so start considering how you are going to introduce them and just how many you are going to need for your customer base. This is an economically friendly solution and one that will help the environment. You really cannot go wrong here.



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