Photo: Cap’n Gorgeous
Lots of lovely little things have made me smile this week, such as …..
Parents evening at school and reading a piece of work by my son entitled ‘My Role Model ‘ which was me! He writes about how I taught him all about eating chocolate and tennis! But also how I am always there for him, never give up on him, am loyal and a great friend. He wrote I was lovely too, just like his grandma had been and that he thinks that is where I got my values from…. Oh I shed a few tears!
I put up a frame for sweet peas all by myself. I am not known as being ‘practical’ Seriously I struggle to put on the TV, but I did this all be myself and I was proud!
I have started on an exercise and fitness programme to try and improve my health and this has made me happy. I feel I am doing something about my recent physical challenges rather than letting them overwhelm me.
I have started reading great books again. For a long while since being a mum time to read evaded me . well not so much time perhaps as I have read lots of ‘chick lit’ But time to read reflect and think about what I am reading has stopped me reading good literature and there are so many books I have wanted to read. I have begun a 100 writers challenge where in the next 2 years I am going to attempt to read books by some seriously fabulous authors. And I have begun and its rather wonderful to be reading again.
And lastly I am grateful and happy that when both my kids were poorly this week I could just keep them home with me without a worry. Working for myself brings uncertainty, sometime long hours and anxiety but when it comes to my kids it affords me a flexibility that is just wonderful. I am lucky to be a blogger.
It’s been good week in many ways…( none of which required spending cash! )
You know what makes me smile Becky? YOU! You are such a huge inspiration, with your kindness, optimism and positivity. So pleased that your son sees all that in you too 🙂 Lovely post xxx
There are usually good things in all weeks and it is great to focus on them. I admire you so much for taking on your physical challenges rather than letting your illness get on top of you, this is not an easy thing to achieve. I have been taking part in Cafe Bebe’s #embracehappy project and looking for the good really helps my perspective xxxx
Well done for concentrating on all the positive things, it’s not easy to do but it makes things feel a lot better. What a lovely thing for your son to write, I’m not surprised that it made you emotional! 🙂
Oh Becky you are a complete inspiration! So many people would let everything get on top of them, but the ability to stop and look at the positive is a wonderful one (and not always easy I know). For years I’ve been a member of an online discussion forum and there was a thread there which rans for years (and may still be there I’ll have to look) where people went on and just listed five things that had made them smile that day. You had to have five and it didn’t matter if they were big or small. Focussing like that helped so many of us realise that even on the darkest days there are some wonderful moments.
Aww Becky you are such an amazing person. Your positivity is a huge inspiration. x
Oh my word, how lovely of your little boy to write those things- you must have been so touched…we have parents evening tonight- can’t wait to hear what the keyworkers have to say about our girls.
I’m glad you are feeling a bit perkier, the clocks going forward will probably help with that too.
Have a happy weekend!
Awww you are so lovely!
I enjoyed reading this, and found myself smiling, too 🙂
How fabulous that your son wrote that about you, well justified I say. Mich
What a lovely post Becky. You are so positive and a real inspiration to us all. xx
You are one incredibly inspiring lady Becky and reading your happy post makes me realise that it’s the small things in life that are the best.
Have a wonderful weekend and a fabulous Mother’s Day
What a gorgeous post, the simple things are the best and we are lucky that we can work around our kids (hope they are better now)-I ADORE sweet peas, they are my favourite flowers and my mother and I set up a frame as a child where we grew them! Thanks for linking up to #brillblogposts
Odszkodowanie na rzecz taksówkarzy
W przykładu wulgarnej stłuczki, zwyczajowo nie ma większych problemów w niewielkiej odległości urządzaniu formalności. Szczególnie, o ile obydwie paginy podołają się omówić. Nieraz prawdopodobnie trafić wprawdzie aż do nietypowej sytuacji, podczas gdy sprawcą kolizji istnieje zwierzyna łowna ewentualnie samolot.
Taka nietypowa stosunki zdarzyła się ostatnio. Startujący płatowiec zaszedł usterce. W sąsiedztwie znikomym poróżnienie ruszył paląco zwiać, co sprowadziło zniszczenia jadących pojazdów. Bez wątpliwości, rodzicielki tędy do wykonywania ze krzywdą zupełną. Pojzad na wskroś nie transmituje się do regeneracji. Proste powietrzne mają konieczne ubezpieczenia. W tym kazusie spośród należnością zadośćuczynienia nie powinno być większych pasztetów. Owszem, ten ewentualność nie przynależy do najtrudniejszych, bo samolot został poznany. W takiej pozycji ostaje indywidualnie zgłoszenie żądania do podmiotu solennego. W przypadku, osłabionym samochodem stanowiła taxi. W takiej sprawy, taksiarz dodatkowo tuzinkowego zadośćuczynienia, prawdopodobnie też domagać się odszkodowania zbyt postojowe. Jest to rekompensata wewnątrz wyrażenie frazeologiczne wyłączenia spośród korzystania wozu służącego, jaki służy do obiektów zarobkowych.