Boys stocking fillers
Would you like to win a selection of Stocking Fillers for Boys from Tobar
Tobar have a fabulous collection of stocking fillers….some real classic and some excitingly new..
Magic Tattoos – Watch them come to life in front of your eyesPack of 24 temporary tattoos with augmented reality app integration. You simply apply a tattoo anywhere on the skin and then download the corresponding app onto a smartphone or tablet. Open the app on your smart device, then focus the viewfinder over the tattoo and it will come to life, animating on the screen
How cool!
Flexi Wooden Toys – Monsters, Robots, Knights and Animals
Gorgeous Flexi Wooden toys with moveable limbs are ideal for Stocking Fillers. The coloured and natural wood appendages can be moved within a series of slots and grooves that allow for a range of fun poses, making this an excellent play thing.
Dinosaurs – Squeezysaurus and Twist and Lock Dino Blocks
Puffer Dinosaur toy with a soft and squishy air-filled body available in a range of Dinosaur designs. Twist and Lock Dino Blocks let you pose these wooden dinosaur figures.
Clockwork – Robot, Soldier, Firefighter, Superhero and Teeth
Wind-up toys with real running action. Simply wind up the clockwork mechanism and then release it to make the run across the surface it’s on. Range of fun characters available
Polygliders – Superhero, Dinosaur and Classic
This product marries a genre that all children love, dinosaurs, with the good qualities of traditional polystyrene toy gliders; low cost, easy to assemble, safe to use and simple to fly.
Erasers – Fast Food, Lunchtime, Money
These fun erasers are shaped like popular lunchtime treats. Each eraser is made from interlocking pieces, making them enjoyable to fiddle with and reconstruct aside from their more obvious primary function. Also available is a fast food collection and bank notes.
Pens – Skeleton Boxing Pens, Star Wars Pens and Secret Message
Pens are superb stocking fillers and Tobar have some novelty lines including Skeleton, Star Wars and Secret Message
To win something from each of these ranges (not necessarily the item shown) please complete the rafflecopter below
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selection box
pens x
This would be fab for my son thanks for the chance x
Every year mine get chocolate coins!
pens & pencils are a must 🙂
Fab giveaway and suit my grandson down to a T…thanks xxx
a chocolate orange
i always put some little lego figures and chocolates and sweets
A satsuma and socks
Some little santa chocolates and some money
choc coins, satsuma
Chocolate coins!
We don’t do stockings – but they will get chocolate coins anyway.
Chocolate gold coins
Gold coins!
Chocolate coins and a chocolate santa 🙂
Chocolate orange
Chocolate coins are a must every year……they expect them now haha!
a stretchy smilie man!
Chocolate santa
I always put chocolate coins, cars, crayons, etc in
Chocolate coins and Chocolate lollypops always appear 🙂
Shower Gel and Bubble Bath – I try to find nice fun ones that we wouldn’t normally have xx
Kinder eggs! My boy would have a stocking full if he could haha x
Chocolate coins are great!
I always put in a chocolate santa! X
I always put flannels with cartoon characters on in stockings
chocolate coins
A satsuma to fill the toe….a tradition from my parents!
Some chocolate.
My boys always get a Pez dispenser and refills – the oldest is 19 now but apparently it isn’t a Christmas stocking without Pez in it. They try and guess which character they will get when they unwrap it.
chocolate footballs and funny socks
Chocolate coins 🙂
they get a bag of revels in their stockings
An apple and chocolate coins x
Some chocolate x
I always include chocolate coins 🙂 xx
We always put in chocolate money, a little box of lego always goes down and treat too. 🙂
Chocolate coins and a satsuma
chocolate treats
Selection of chocs
Always add chocolate coins
Bubble bath & chocolate Santa’s x
Chocolate coins! A must have
chocolate money 🙂
Orange nuts and chocolates one small presie xx
Its our tradition to put in a wooden spoon that we decorate and keep each year as a keepsake! Sounds wacky but it’s fun!
Chocolate coins from M & S
sweets and chocolates <3
Chocolate coins, some lego figures and toothbrush with whatever theme they are into!
I always put in some chocolate coins!
sweets of some kind, chocolates etc
Always out some chocolate in there
Chocolate coins and a satsuma
apple n orange xx
I don’t have any children but would love to win this prize to donate to charity, to go to Romania.
Chocolate coins, and a small present
chocolate coins x
Chocolate coins and a tree decoration – a personalised one if I can find one.
Chocolate, in any form!
Always some chocolate
Chocolate santa – crayons – colouring book and marbles
Chocolate coins without fail 🙂
Chocolate coins and chocolate buttons
These days my kids are older I always put socks in it pees them off, Grandchildren get maltesers
A terrys chocolate orange I always had one and I follow this on
A new toothbrush!
There leg’s when it’s cold only joking trash pack for boy
chocolate coins (not very original but traditional!)
A Satsuma
Chocolate orange
chocolate coins, silly putty cd, dvd and rubber balls
A satsuma and chocolate coins
chocolate coins, and little toiletries
I like to put a new watch in every year.
Sweets and Chocolate
Chocolate coins and a wind up toy
A satsuma,chocolate,balloons,pens,pencils and stickers x
I always put in a pair of novelty pants eg superman pants and some fluffy novelty christmas socks eg rudolph
a novelty toothbrush!
pencils , toy cars
terry’s chocolate orange x
Sweets, chocolate, pencils , Lego figures, socks
I always put in chocolate coins
Chocolate coins ( i think there is a bit of a trend for these!!!)
Their favourite sweets
Some fruit along with the sweets.
A chocolate selection box
Chocolate coins x
Chocolate coins
Chocolate coins, Apple and satsuma every year
Choc coins, choc santa, little orange and a little game or 2
Always put an orange in !
Chocolate coins
Chocolate coins and a tangerine!
Chocolate coins are an absolute must! 🙂
lego mini figures, chocolate oranges, chocolate coins etc
Haribo 🙂
sweets and a new toothbrush!
chocolate coins and fruit always and then a few extra bits
Chocolate coins and tubes of smarties x
chocolate coins 🙂
Chocolate, bubble bath, new sponge and toothbrush
I always put in an orange to remind them of the less fortunate like my parents did to me
A satsuma, chocolate coins, toy cars or small pinball machine
Some Christmassy chocolate, novelty socks and some funky pens or little puzzle.
Fun stationary! Fun shaped erasers, cool coloured gel pens, novelty pencils etc
you can never be too old for some stocking fillers. My boys would love this xxx
Always an orange, some chocolate coins and 5 small presents – the stocking is left at the end of the bed and is from Santa and they are allowed to open everything as soon as they wake up – downstairs presents are family presents and we all open them together
chocolate coins
Mostly sweets and small gifts under £2
I always put in socks and chocolate
Chocolate gold coins.x
Chocolate coins are a must, satsumas and lots of little toys and books. We all get stockings and I spend all year buying little treats
We always put sweets and small toys in our stockings
a book and a jigsaw
Chocolate coins as well in this household
Bubbles! Both my boys love them!
Chocolate Coins
a pair of silly socks, some sweets and an orange x
Some chocolate and sweets x
Chocolate coins, little games and puzzles and colouring stuff!
chocolate coins
gold coin x
Fruit, chocolate and small toys.
Popping candy and homemade Christmas crackers.
A satsuma – gotta try and get something healthy in there!!
Chocolate Coins, always used to get them in my stocking and we always put them in our children’s.
Chocolate coins
Tangerine 🙂
Brussel sprouts!! ; )
Chocolate and several small items – I don’t know any children that don’t like chocolate.
a puzzle, new pj’s and chocolate
Chocolate coins
chocolate coins 🙂
A chocolate reindeer.
selection box
We dont do stockings but we do leave a trail of chocolate coins all around the house from the chimney to show where Santa has stepped
chocolate coins!
an orange they never eat it tho lol
A Chocolate Orange.
i usually fill with chocolates, sweets and pocket money toys. i also put in one of those multi pack of mini cereals to bulk it up :o)
A satusma, a chocolate coin, a small toy.
choc orange popping candy
Chocolate coins
A chocolate Santa and a satsuma! Used to always do a toothbrush and slipper socks too 🙂
I always put a small lego toy in my sons stocking
coins and a satsuma!
Always get an orange right in the toe of the stocking, we always had this growing up too
I always put chocolate coins and a chocolate Santa plus a few small toys
Surprise eggs
Sweets, chocolate and little gifts like whoopee cushions etc.
some sort of chocolate novelty
Chocolate coins.
A satsuma, a red apple and chocolate coins are our traditional three
Chocolate Coins or a Hot Chocolate Set!
I buy glow sticks every christmas, so thanks for the reminder. I saw some last week and need to go back to get them.
chocolate coins and a tangerine!
Always put a satsuma in my kids stockings
A Satsuma and some chocolate coins
Lego figures and chocolate coins 🙂
a book
Gold Chocolate Coins
Chocolate coins and a pair of socks!
Chocolate coins and a cuddly toy
Haribo sweets
A satsuma, chocolate coins, socks and some small toys 🙂
A little puzzle thing like a rubix cube 🙂
I haven’t done one yet, this is my first year 🙂
Chocolate coins
A sugar mouse – it’s something of a family tradition
i always put a chocolate santa in
small packs of lego
a chocolate santa one of the hollow ones.
an orange x
Chocolate coins!
An orange at the bottom, chocolate coins, pack of cards or mini games x
lump of coal and an orange!
Terry chocolate orange
A box of orange match makers
Satsuma and choc coins
I always wrap up some little cars.
A chocolate selection box 🙂
A box of chocolate puppies.
Bubble bath or shower gel, small colouring book, crayons, a kit to make something, stickers, a light up toothbrush, a few chocolate coins and a little Santa.
A satsuma, small toys and chocolates. My husband has a small fruit and veg shop, so it reminds us all to be grateful. X
Every year I pop in a bag of those chocolate coins and every year no one eats them as they taste horrible!!!
A chocolate orange.
a chocolate raindeer
There is always lego
Chocolate selection box
I always put chocolate coins in their stocking.
Chocolate coins!
Selection box x
A colouring book
A magic flannel ha 🙂
chocolate coins and sweets
Bubble bath!
Sweets, chocolates, books, an annual and lots of stationery.
Chocolate coins are a must in our stockings 🙂
I’m traditional so they get an apple and an orange for being good.
an orange !
chocolate coins ofcourse :o)
A Terry’s Chocolate Orange 😀
i always buy mine a packet of their favourite chocolate bars 🙂
Chocolate Orange
a mini colouring book and crayons
chocolates, soft toys and games
homemade cookiesxxx
They all get a magazine each
A chocolate orange
I always pop in some fruit and some chocolate
Sweet tubes
Different things each year, last Christmas was a little Lego figure.
chocolate coins
A Christmas card from Santa telling my son how proud he is of him being a good boy.
Chocolate coins in the bottom cracker in the top
joke book
A chocolate Santa
A Satsuma and an apple along with some chocolate coins
Chocolate Orange xx
Some fruit, nuts and some chocolate coins and a new pair of socks!
Socks! ?
Always like to put chocolates in stockings!
an orange, some chocolate coins and some crayons
A special Christmas book
little toys and sweets and always a yoyo lol x
i leave an apple , orange, nuts and money x
chocolate coins x
One of those long bumper Smartie tubes.
Always a satsuma and a bag of chocolate coins in the bottom and a book and the top! The pressies in between obviously are variable!
A lindt chocolate reindeer!
Consciously chocolate coins, unintentionally we always seem to put lego in.
Chocolate coins
Crayons and colouring books.
a chocolate teddy
colouring pencils
chocolate coins xx
I always like to have a nice mix between edible things, useful bits like a new toothbrush and silly little things to play with like a whoopee cushion! Keeps it interesting xx
an orange, chocolate coins, satsuma, nuts, pencil, pen & notebook
Fruit and nuts
Lots of novelty items like rubbers, magic tricks, pencils.
Chocolate coins in their stocking. The kids find it hilarious that in the sock that I put on my bedroom door, it’s always filled with Brussel Sprouts …. maybe this year Santa will treat me nice 🙂 🙂
White chocolate, Crayons and little toys x
Usually one foot at a time(disregard)Tangerines,sweets and usually a small toy
Chocolate money – the feel of that net stays with me from childhood
Gold Chocolate coins
A bar of chocolate
always give him a joke set x
Stationery, penny sweets and a bath bomb each
chocolate gold coins
A different lego figure each year (@PeanutHog)
Chocolate Santa and books
An orange!
a jelly fish, chocolate mouse and a new toothbrush x
Gold coins are always in my boys stockings
Tangerine just like my mum used to put in mine when i was little
A chocolate snowman or santa
A tangerine. Doesn’t matter the age, everyone gets one.
Sweets, blind bags, books, pj’s .
chocolate always a winner
A book
an orange and some nuts….. you have to, I always got them xxxx
I always put in a little chocolate santa x
a carton of drink & some nibbles
a satsuma and a bag of chocolate coins 🙂
hot wheels and chocolate coins 🙂
Chocolate coins and a funky Christmas hat that has to be worn all day ?
satsuma, chocolate coins
Chocolates and mini games
Chocolate coins
Chocolate coins
Chocolate coins and some little cars
An orange and some coins (family tradition)
my children always have chocolate coins in their stockings
they always get chocolates
Gold coins and a satsuma.
a small toy, a mandarin, a £1 coin and choc
gold coins
hot wheels cars his fav
Some chocolate coins !
A selection box
Chocolate coins
I suppose I spoil my grandchildren they get a satsuma a box of raisins as well as lots of little toys
Chocolate coins
A comic and some sweets.
colouring book and pens
Pens, pencils, crayons, sellotape and glue 🙂
We go very traditional and always include some nuts to crack and a satsuma! At least then there’s some fruit intake during the day!
Sweets, jewellery, make up for the girls, toothbrush,
A chocolate orange! (obviously thats not the main gift! lol!)
a book
Terry’s Chocolate Orange and a book
haribo sweets
A book and and an album
Chocolate Coins are a must have
apple, satsuma and toothbrush
I always put in their favourite sweets.
Chocolate Santa, satsuma, selection box, pringles, bubble bath
an Orange, an Apple and a lump of coal
A book
Chocolate coins and an orange!
Chocolate coins
Chocolate coins and a satsuma!
Selection box of course!
socks and chocolate
Stocking filler usually consist of funky pencils, pens, novalty chocolates or sweets, socks, card games, sticker books etc poundland is usually pretty good for some stocking fillers
A terry’s chocolate orange
Chocolate and an annual
colouring book and markers
oranges 🙂
chocolate coins and toy cars
sweets, rubbers, pens, keyrings
Some small toys for them to open and play with before they wake us up!
A toy car.
choc coins and oranges the rest varies
Socks 🙂
Orange, red apple and some nuts
Chocolate coins
An Apple, a tangerine and some monkeynuts and a couple of DVD’s and a selection box
Gold coins, a satsuma, a selection box
a selection box
A piece of fruit, chocolate coins and always a new pair of thick warm socks to wear when we go downstairs and open the rest of the presents! x
I always get them new socks
They always get a chocolate bar and stationary and then some small bits and bobs x
A net of chocolate coins
An orange which we always had in our stockings when my brother and I were kids – passing on the tradition.
Chocolate coins
We always put candy canes and a satsuma in the stockings
A selection of loose Chocolates
we always used to get a bag of chocolate coins and a satsuma so thats what we give 😀
Sweeties,chocolate coins,a small toy figure,snowman soap
chocolate coins
Chocolate and smellies
Chocolate coins, an orange a coloring book and pencils 🙂
chocolate coins
Chocolate coins
Choice novelties, and a creative thing like colouring book, modelling clay model maker (previous years) new pjs and slippers
I always put a tube of sweets in my children’s stocking and a DVD they can watch while I prepare dinner after they have opened their presents xxx
fruit, a small toy – like a figure, and a book.
chocolates and some toys or silly things they can make
Crayons and colouring book – I love to see the way that children colour, how they use their imagination & see things so differently to adults.
Top Trumps
Chocolate Orange
Chocolate coins and a satsuma
Chocolate coins, an orange
Chocolate coins
mini cars and little books
Bag of chocolate coins
Chocolate Coins
I always put in a packet of colouring pencils and a rubber/sharpener
Chocolate coins
Santa always brings a set of new clothes
Chocolate coins, an orange and a pound coin
My kids are really into kawi box toys just now…so I’ve been saving different ones up for their stockingsxx
I always put chocolate coins, an action figure a book, crayons and bits of things like bouncy balls
A bag of chocolate coins
chocolate coins
A satsuma and raisins – very traditional!
I always put a selection box in
Chocolate coins, a satsuma & a few fillers.
chocolate coins
Chocolate coins and cd 🙂
A bag of chocolate coins
A selection box and colouring in book.
I always put small chocolate bar, toothbrush, stickers and a pocket money toy
selection box and its the time of year for new pjs
Sweets and chocolates
chocolate coins 🙂
Chocolate coins – it’s compulsory!
A new flannel xx
always choclate, tooth brush and toothpaste
chocolate sweets
chocolate sweets 🙂
Chocolate Coins =D
Has to be a tangerine at the bottom, like we had as children, carrying on tradition!
We always put some chocolate and some small toys in their stockings x
A tangerine and socks
Choccy coins ?
A satsuma
A bag of chocolate coins
A satsuma
usually a mini soft toy ,bouncy ball and chocolate coins
Chocolate Gold Coins and Pjs xx
Chocolate and a toy car always feature in my sons stockings
chocolate coins, an orange & coal(fake) goes into all our stockings
Always put a bag of chocolate coins.
Chocolate x
We normally put a bath bomb in
Not very exciting, perhaps, but I always put sock in!
toiletries choccies clothes and books and maybe some other little things
Some chocolate
Chocolate coins
Chocolate 🙂
An apple and an Orange 🙂
Chocolate coins and a satsuma xxx
a satsuma
chocolate coins
We always have fruit and choc coins and then lots of little sweets
chocolate orange
Chocolate coins and socks
choc coins and a book 🙂
usually a chocolate orange
A tube of jelly tots
i always put chocolates, colouring pens and some blind bag toys
Chocolate coins and a £1 coin 🙂
Chocolate coins, satsumas, nuts and shiny pennies
I don’t do one! My daughter is petrified of Father Xmas coming up stairs so she banned them lol
Chocolate coins
Chocolate coins usual make an apperance
a satsuma
oranges and chocolates
Chocolates! X
Socks, some sweets and some small toys x
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