15 Ways To Craft Worry-free Homes

 Let’s put it this way: One burglary occurs every 10 seconds, and one in every five homes experience a break-in or home invasion. That’s over 2 million homes! Indeed, these alarming data from the FBI can add to your worries. However, your best line of defense against property crimes is to be proactive about home security. Here are 15 great ideas on how to create a safe and worry-free home.


  1. Monitor Your Home Through the Internet

With exciting technological advances, it’s now increasingly becoming common to protect and monitor your home via the Internet. The Internet Protocol (IP) technology in security cameras and DSC alarm devices can send and receive data straight to your smartphone or computer. Never will you have to worry about the status of your home when you’re at work or on a trip. These devices come in wireless options, too! This allows you to move them around anywhere and connect through Wi-Fi.

  1. Get Smarter With Intelligent Living


Photo courtesy of Bill Selak via Flickr

Intelligent living is the now-popular buzz phrase that promotes building a safe home for your family. With smart devices, intelligent living is better understood as a lifestyle that tries to create an efficient, safe, and worry-free home with an Internet-supported security system. If you already have existing smart home products or security devices, you can optimize them with newer products being developed and released at breakneck speed. To date, you have plenty of options, such as intelligent sensors, smart watches, smart thermostats, wireless speakers, smart refrigerators—and the list increases.


  1. Mute Your Landline, Turn on Your Radio

Are you going somewhere for an extended period of time? Prevent letting burglars know that you’re not home by setting your phone ringer on mute or to the lowest volume. This will stop burglars from knowing that no one is around when there isn’t an answer on the phone. As a complementary measure, you can also install DSC security devices like indoor sounds and lights on timer. Whether it’s comes with an entry speaker or a radio, you can make it appear like someone is home.


  1. Lock Your Mailbox, Defend Your Identity


Photo courtesy of TanteTati via Pixabay

Your mailbox outside can tip off burglars about personal information. Apart from removing your name or an identifying information off your mailbox, you can also put up a locked mailbox so burglars can’t snoop into incoming mails.

  1. Strategically Place Visual Deterrents


Photo courtesy of Ervins Strauhmanis via Flickr

The DSC alarm system is a great investment for your home and business because the mere presence of security devices discourages burglars from targeting your property. Overt cameras function as visual deterrents that tell burglars you’re serious about security. Putting up signs like “Warning: Beware of Dog” or “Security Cams In Use” can also be effective.


  1. Plant Thorny Bushes Like Shrub Roses

How your front and backyard is landscaped can indicate how accessible your home is for an intrusion. Planting thorny bushes such as shrub roses and bougainvillea around your backyard and windows can prohibit break-ins. These plants will literally work as thorns in the side of any burglar. Not only are these plants beneficial for home and family safety, they also add natural beauty to your property.


  1. Don’t Give Away Info on Social Media


Photo courtesy of Christina Saint Marche via Flickr

Whether you’re taking a selfie at the Eiffel Tower in Paris or the Machu Picchu in Peru, avoid telling the world about it on social media until after you’re home. Did you know that as much as 78% of burglars get information of their potential victims via social media? Revealing too much about your wonderful vacation and location abroad can prompt burglars to target your home.


  1. Install an Easy-to-use Emergency Button


Photo courtesy of CDC/Dawn Arlotta via Free Stock Photos

Living with your elderly parents doesn’t mean you have to be constantly worried about them when you’re out at work or away from home. Installing security systems for their safety is a wise decision. Potentially life-saving devices like panic buttons will allow the elderly to call for help during emergency situations. With a simple switch, authorities can be alerted of emergencies. Choose a durable panic button with LED lights for easy visibility.


  1. Prevent Pets from Tampering with Alarming Devices

Do you and your family love your pets so much but sometimes find that they tamper with some of your alarm devices? A great way to secure your home with playful house pets is with devices that you can hide from them, such as pet-resistant pressure mats. These are great options to consider at the alarm system store because they’re effective at alerting entries and exits. They’re designed to not sound off an alarm when it’s your pet stepping on them.


  1. Have a Restful Sleep with Driveway and Vehicle Sensors


Photo courtesy of PublicDomainPictures via Pixabay

It’s natural to be worried if a family member is still not home because of work or school. The different schedules of your family can also take a toll on your sleep, because you wait for them to come home r late at night. Driveway and vehicle sensors from DSC alarm systems are fantastic because they alert you whenever a family member arrives. You don’t have to get up or wake up to check home security because the device does the late-night work for you.


  1. Ask Your Friendly Neighbor to Take Your Deliveries

Your friendly neighbor can be your ally in having a worry-free home. If your job requires you to travel a lot or if you’re away for a long time, having your neighbor look after your home can make you feel more at ease. Request your neighbor to take newspapers and accept other deliveries for you. You can also ask your neighbor to keep an eye on your front area and ensure that no deliveries are lying there, which could send a signal to burglars that you’re not home.



  1. Clear the Snow Around Your Home

Living in a cold climate means having to deal with snow. Make sure your sidewalks and driveway are clear of snow so burglars know that your home is occupied. You can also install a temperature monitoring device from an alarm store, so you never have to second guess when your basement or any room is freezing up. A pile of snow and frozen, unmanaged property convey that you’re out somewhere in a tropical island escaping the harsh cold.

  1. Take Off That Service Note On Your Front Door

It’s concerning that some homeowners leave notes on their door for service people or visitors when they are not home. Never ever do this. It’s a clear signal to burglars that your home is empty. An effective solution is a much-needed home security system which tells you exactly when the person you’re expecting is already on your front door, so you can call him or her and tell that you’re running late.

  1. Always Check On Your Kids

Parents know that they can’t be with their kids all the time. Sometimes you have to be in the kitchen or to get other things done. Having a two-way camera with audio feature can be your best pal. It allows you to monitor your kids wherever you are and it allows your kids to tell you through the radio if they need something.

  1. Save Costs With an Efficient Security System


Photo courtesy of 401(K) 2012 via Flickr

The rising living costs make us all worried. But did you know that security devices can drastically cut electrical and other household costs? Installing security devices from an  alarm store is not simply about security.Whether it’s turning off the lights when you’re out or making automatic adjustments to your thermostat, your security devices can provide protection while allowing you to conserve energy and save money.

With these 15 home safety tips for a worry-free living, you surely can be more confident about the security and efficiency of your home. Your home is where you should feel most relaxed and safe. Indeed, adopting an easy and affordable worry-free living can create a secure sanctuary for you and your loved ones.



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