Today we are looking at 5 ways to make going to the cinema cheaper’
We love going to the cinema but it can be SO pricey! Here’s how to make a few simple savings along the way
5 ways to make going to the cinema cheaper
1) Walk there-there is not always the need to jump in a car ( something we often automatically do) when heading off for an afternoon/evening out. Combining a trip to the cinema with a mile or os stroll is a lovely way to spend time together and a really nice way to catch up and have a good chat. It will save you on petrol/parking/bus fares too.
2) Take a few snacks with you. Oh, my goodness the prize of snacks at the cinema is often more expensive than your ticket! There is no need to eat huge amounts just because you are watching a movie either. We use our gorgeous little snack boxes form Red Candy and take in a few grapes and rice cakes and perhaps a few sweet and save ourselves £’s in the process! Investing in treat boxes just like a water bottle really is well worth it and will save you so much back in the long run!
3) And absolutely do not forget your water bottle either!
4) Look out for perks – art Showcase you can save lots be having a free insider membership some cinemas give birthday treats, at some, you get 2 for 1 on certain days. Ask your local cinema what perks they can offer and make sure you sign up!
5) Movie for juniors – Movies For Juniors, are discounted weekly screenings of kids films at Cineworld that have often been released slightly earlier in the year, Tickets for these costs about £3 for adults and kids too- such a bargain. Again if you sign up for an account you can make regular savings.
Another option…don’t go- do a DVD swap with friends instead it will keep your kids just as entertained and for no expense.
5 ways to make going to the cinema cheaper is a collaborative post
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For as long as I can remember I’ve been going to the shop before hand and getting sweets, don’t think I’ve ever purchased sweets or food from the cinema, I’d have to take out a small loan haha!