A frugal few days #5frugalthings

A frugal few days, becky goddard-hill


A frugal few days

I have had a frugal few days this week. Here is how I kept my costs low.

A lovely friend I was excited to catch up on invited me for lunch. I definitely needed a change of scene but fund are low so I suggested we had a cup of tea instead – we still had a fabulous catch-up

I did my tax return and yikes it was more than I thought it would be BUT because I did it I then didn’t buy something I had my eye on so actually it was smart to get it done and saved me in the end.

I went to a craft fair and wanted to support someone there so I actually bought something I immediately earmarked a gift rather than something for me…a money-saving win-win.

I got up especially early one morning and made 6 cards! This is a birthday heavy month for me and  I wanted to save where i could. I thoroughly enjoyed the process too.

I have decided to write a novel – it’s keeping me very entertained and is potentially a money maker in the process.


So what about you…what have you been up to?


 Five frugal things


We would love you to join in with this linky by sharing what frugal and thrifty things you’ve been up to this week ( or anytime!)

Please could let your readers know that you’re linking up with us by adding a little line to the bottom of your post like this one:

I’m linking up with


Emma and

Becky in this week’s ‘Five Fabulously Frugal things I’ve done this week linky.


I do hope you have enjoyed my post on my frugal few days .

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  1. May 10, 2019 / 10:55

    Exciting about the novel!

  2. May 10, 2019 / 14:41

    I’ve been writing a novel for over three years, but it will eventually be done. Sometimes the most simple things like a cup of tea with a friend, are the most enjoyable.

  3. May 11, 2019 / 06:17

    I have a birthday heavy month too. I should get card making! I started a book ( not a novel) three years ago but it’s been on the back burner. Must get on and finish it!

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